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"There is no carrier available that will deliver to this address!" (SOLVED by Jos!)

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Can somebody PLEASE help me?

"There is no carrier available that will deliver to this address!" is the error that I get when somebody want to checkout on my site : www.recyclehobbyplanes.net
Now, I set ALL the value's on " Carriers States Countries Zones Price ranges Weight ranges "
I have 4 different Cariers, Countries is only South Africa & my Price & Weight ranges is set for all 4 cariers.
I then have linked all the cariers to the different shipping amounts but I still get " There is no carrier available that will deliver to this address "
My Country is also set on South Africa & Handling, free shipping values are 0

I don't know what to do next! Can you PLEASE help???

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you say you have set all the values on "Carriers, States, Countries..." so I assume you have created an shipping zone (for South Africa). But have you selected this zone also in all your carriers?
Because if the adress you should deliver to isn't in a country which you putted in a shipping zone, which on his is linked to a carrier, PS gives this error.

On which version of PS have you setup your shop?


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Hi Jos! :-)

Thanks for the reply! Yes, I have ticked "South Africa" as a zone in all carriers... I updated to the latest version ( today but I had the shipping problem before that, thats why I updated. (Thought it could solve my problem)

If my billing is according weight, must I still fill in the price range?

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no you does not need a price range if you use weight ranges. Does your products have weights? If not PS thinks its a 'virtual product'.

Another thing came up to me:

Yes, I have ticked “South Africa” as a zone in all carriers…

Does this mean you have created a zone with the same name as a country (maybe you could try changing the name ie 'S-Africa'). But, more important, did you also changed the zone the country belongs to?

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no you does not need a price range if you use weight ranges. Does your products have weights? If not PS thinks its a 'virtual product'.

Another thing came up to me:
Yes, I have ticked “South Africa” as a zone in all carriers…

Does this mean you have created a zone with the same name as a country (maybe you could try changing the name ie 'S-Africa'). But, more important, did you also changed the zone the country belongs to?


EUREKA!!! Thats my problem!!! My states is Oversees states. I changed it to South African states & everything is PERFECT now!!!

Thanks a lot Jos! :-)
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  • 3 months later...

Hi Jos,

I have the same problem as 'Newcomer', I live in UK and have set Europe and United Kingdom as zones where can be delivered to. (These were standard choices at installation. I tried everything what I thought could be the problem, but nothing helps, it does not have anything to do with weights or prices.
I use PS 1.4, but can unfortunately not launch my shop as it soes not work. Do you have any idea what the problem could be?
Many Thanks. Pevasch

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pevasch,

unfortunately I am not using PS1.4 because until now the few things that could make my shop look better isn't worth for me to switch. In contrary, there are a lot of incorporations that I don't use at all (among which the embedding of moneybookers in the core) or even make things harder to setup (taxes depending not only on country but also on states, which for us is useless).
Another thing is, I started to understand the functioning of the core in PS1.3 which is very different of PS1.4. In neither is the MVC architecture truly implemented. There are a lot of users of PS1.3 who can help someone out.
A last principle of me is that something that has been used some time is better than something that comes out new. When I see the jump in versions of PS1.4 (in less then 2 months from a final to a final makes me questioning the quality of it.

For your problem the only thing I can say is: check everything you can which has to do with countries, states, taxes, zones, delivery.
Whish you good luck, and maybe someone who has played with PS1.4 can help you further.


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