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Prestashop 1.6 - BO module_list.xml file ERRORS (SOLUTION FOR FIXING)


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like most of you , we got new bag, new problem, new issue with Presta Shop. 

Today problem is:

4 errors 

  1. Error found : CData section not finished Use this native module to connect with your custom in country_module_list.xml file.
  2. Error found : Premature end of data in tag additional_description line 1 in country_module_list.xml file.
  3. Error found : Premature end of data in tag module line 1 in country_module_list.xml file.
  4. Error found : Premature end of data in tag modules line 1 in country_module_list.xml file.


Version is latest , related 3. October 2018. Fresh install. No modules, no customizing, no products.

Edited by ZikmaSolutions (see edit history)
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Hi, i'm experiencing the same problem (errors without doing nothing wrong) ... and i bet others ....

I think the problem is the server addons.prestashop.com that doesn't working correctly right now...


I'll wait 'til the server will work again.

I'm confident, then, the errors will disappears... maybe after clearing the cache.




Edited by Danny (see edit history)
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Maybe I have found a solution.

Need to change something to this file: /public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php at line 2159  and change libxml_use_internal_errors(true) to (false) . 

Errors are not displayed now.


        $country_module_list = file_get_contents(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.Module::CACHE_FILE_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_MODULES_LIST);
        $must_have_module_list = file_get_contents(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.Module::CACHE_FILE_MUST_HAVE_MODULES_LIST);
        $all_module_list = array();

        if (!empty($country_module_list) && $country_module_list_xml = @simplexml_load_string($country_module_list)) {
            $country_module_list_array = array();
            if (is_object($country_module_list_xml->module)) {
                foreach ($country_module_list_xml->module as $k => $m) {
                    $all_module_list[] = (string)$m->name;
        } else {
            foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
                $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError(sprintf('Error found : %1$s in country_module_list.xml file.', $error->message));


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[] (my version)

Hi, i'm experiencing the same problem (errors without doing nothing wrong) ... and i bet others ....

I think the problem is the server addons.prestashop.com that doesn't working correctly right now...


I'll wait 'til the server will work again.

I'm confident, then, the errors will disappears... maybe after clearing the cache.


UPDATE! After a few hours everything is now ok, no more errors. Just wait and do nothing for a while. Often are server problems

and doing this or that could cause some files corruption..

PS. Just an advice... disable the module about "Best Trader" (don't remember the name) ... gamification module... it's not useful and often slows backoffice loading.



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  On 10/9/2018 at 12:47 PM, Danny said:

[] (my version)

Hi, i'm experiencing the same problem (errors without doing nothing wrong) ... and i bet others ....

I think the problem is the server addons.prestashop.com that doesn't working correctly right now...


I'll wait 'til the server will work again.

I'm confident, then, the errors will disappears... maybe after clearing the cache.


UPDATE! After a few hours everything is now ok, no more errors. Just wait and do nothing for a while. Often are server problems

and doing this or that could cause some files corruption..

PS. Just an advice... disable the module about "Best Trader" (don't remember the name) ... gamification module... it's not useful and often slows backoffice loading.






The cache I delete is the entire contents of the app / cache /? folder. or delete any particular file?

I still do not work any prestashop website.



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  On 10/9/2018 at 3:51 PM, Rabelpla said:



The cache I delete is the entire contents of the app / cache /? folder. or delete any particular file?

I still do not work any prestashop website.





1. Wait for a better server running performances on prestashop.com .... then check if error appear again... then...

2. Control panel / Administration / Performance -------> Clear cache

3. Check if the error appear again.

4. I also suggest to disable gamification module (customers expertise) to improve BO performances.

5. Check if the error appear again and eventually improvement of performances BO

if none of this help your situation you can try with the other suggestions you can find inside the forum...



Edited by Danny (see edit history)
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thank you very much
It starts to work little by little, now I get this error, you can not pay with Paypal (The payment option for paypal already works), But I keep showing this error :

                    Warning: array_merge (): Argument # 2 is not an array in /var/www/vhost/alu10.com/home/html/src/Core/Payment/PaymentOption.php on line 326

                    Warning: array_merge (): Argument # 2 is not an array in /var/www/vhost/alu10.com/home/html/src/Core/Payment/PaymentOption.php on line 326
It comes out on this page;

I do not understand why he shows me this error, any solution to this?


Edited by Rabelpla (see edit history)
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  On 10/9/2018 at 4:55 PM, Rabelpla said:

thank you very much
It starts to work little by little, now I get this error, you can not pay with Paypal:

                    Warning: array_merge (): Argument # 2 is not an array in /var/www/vhost/alu10.com/home/html/src/Core/Payment/PaymentOption.php on line 326

                    Warning: array_merge (): Argument # 2 is not an array in /var/www/vhost/alu10.com/home/html/src/Core/Payment/PaymentOption.php on line 326
It comes out on this page;
I do not understand why you can not pay now with Paypal and because you give me this error, do you know any?




It's not easy at distance to help you...

but if you're saying that your shop is starting to work again, little by little, i suggest to check things i said to you before... keeping calm..

clear cache,  disable gamification module (customers expertise), clear cache again and check for errors. Try a few times.

Once you've done this, there's always a possibility that *server problems* still affect your installation, and it's a thing related to *addons* and *modules* and their communication to your store. So.... probably you need to wait more....

Then check if your *all* payment modules don't work or just *paypal*

At the end, and proceeding step by step... you can eventually considering check the *paypal module*


PS. Your *paypal error* is now disappeared...  just checked your checkout process a few minutes ago.

Edited by Danny (see edit history)
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