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PS not compatible with php 7.2


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After updated my website from to 1.6.20 because of PHP updated in my server to PHP7.2

Now I have some error, if any fix this error please help me as well   "Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable"


Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /public_html/controllers/front/ProductController.php on

Warning on line 551 in file ...... /public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php
[2] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable


admin -error-2.jpg


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Forget it. PS 16.1.20 isn't compatible with PHP 7.2 and most likely never will be. Prestashop 1.6 is end-of-life and Prestashop will soon stop support for it. So the chances that they will upgrade it for PHP 7.2 is very small. 

You might have a better chance with Thirty Bees (what is rather 1.6 compatible) but they too aren't 7.2 ready and are planning it only at the end of the year.

With Prestashop only 1.7.4 is PHP 7.2 compatible. 

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I also have a PS website and have received notification from my hosting company that they will be implementing PHP 7.2 as of the 3rd of December.

However - you have got a solution. The reason for the notification is that PHP 5.5 and 7.0 are end of life (7.0 is the 3rd Dec and 5.6 30th Dec).

My hosting company has stated that if your website is on either 5.6 or 7.0 PHP, then they will automatically switch you to PHP 7.2, which is a disaster as this will not work.

BUT !!!! you can still use PHP 7.1, this does work and if you get a white screen error, switch off the "Non Native Prestashop modules", the site will work, but you will then have to find which module is failing. I had one, had that updated today and now my domains are running PHP 7.1.

The hosting company have confirmed that any domains on either 7.1 will NOT be updated to 7.2.

If you go into your PHPAdmin desk you will see that 5.6 and 7.0 state they are ending soon, but you will be able to select php 7.1. It takes approx 20 minutes to become active and then your errors will stop.

I have had 2 days of panic, thinking my business would end due to the fact my three web sites will no longer run, but don't Panic :)

Hope that helps :)

Edited by ScooterCk (see edit history)
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I work with prestashop since around 1.3-1.4. Migrated many shops from old OSC to PS... know codebase, alot of its weaknesses and strenghts.... 1.7 removed many strenghts and added alot of new weaknesses... Sure it's modern... but for my thirtybees is a light in a tunnel that can help survive the prestashop I "loved". Prestashop with great written framework, that was well designed (except few flaws). PS 1.6 needed only few tweaks and more hooks to make it really great platform. 1.7 included (in may ways great) symphony... what is symphony? for me it's a development shortcut... giving commercial benefits not codebase quality... which was ruined by 1.7.

Where thirtybees goes is where Prestashop should, they made great improvements to caching system, added more hooks, improved compatibility with new technologies, added namespaces (one of things i can't stand in 1.7 are folders Core, src - When I was looking for something i knew it would be in classes if it was model, and in controllers if it was controller)

Will it survive? Depends on how many people will use it and support it. With support from developers it can succeed :). It's improved stable 1.6 with lots of additions. And in 1.7 alot of modules were removed, rewritten and put into shop.

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