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diffrent domaind one shop


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hi there it is possible to use different global domains like

de >> I would like to redirect to German language shop

fr >> I would like to redirect to French language shop

com >> I would like to redirect to English language shop

when someone will write in google.de and will find my shop

my_shop.de I would like to redirect it to German language

without google, when someone will write URL: my_shop.de it would able to see German language

what happen later when someone will click on some link it would see my_shop.com/lang-de/something ?

how to connects global domains with prestashop

Will it increase SEO (using diffrent global domains: de, fr, com etc)?

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  • 2 weeks later...

how to redicored

przestashop.COM to English language

przestashop.DE to German language

przestashop.FR to French language

I can't find any modules or modification.

use htaccess?

I have found some idea from here: http://corz.org/serv/tricks/htaccess2.php

multiple domains in one root
If you are in the unfortunate position of having your sites living on a host that doesn't support multiple domains, you may be forced to roll your own with .htaccess and mod_rewrite. So long as your physical directory structure is well thought-out, this is fairly simple to achieve.

For example, let's say we have two domains, pointing at a single hosted root; domain-one.com and domain-two.com. In our web server root, we simply create a folder for each domain, perhaps one/, and two/ then in our main (root) .htaccess, rewrite all incoming requests, like this..

All requests NOT already rewritten into these folders, transparently rewrite..
#two domains served from one root..
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} domain-one.com
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/one
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ one/$1 [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} domain-two.com
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^two
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ two/$1 [L]

All requests for the host domain-one.com are rewritten (not R=redirected) to the one/ directory, so long as they haven't already been rewritten there (the second RewriteCond). Same story for domain-two.com. Note the inconsistency in the RewriteCond statement; !^/dir-name and !^dir-name should both work fine.

Also note, with such a simple domain & folder naming scheme, you could easily merge these two rule sets together. This would be unlikely in the real world though, which is why I left them separate; but still, worth noting.

Other general settings and php directives can also go in this root .htaccess file, though if you have any further rewrite you'd like to perform; short URL's, htm to php conversion and what-not; it's probably easier and clearer to do those inside the sub-directory's .htaccess files.

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  • 1 month later...

I am wondering if this solution will works.

How it refer to robots, .htaccess, sitemap and canonical links(module) ?

I think that there are necessery changes in robots, .htaccess, sitemap and canonical links(module).

Here I founded other soluction:

There is regards brand 1.3.x what happen in 1,4 ?
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  • 1 year later...

hi there it is possible to use different global domains like



de >> I would like to redirect to German language shop


fr >> I would like to redirect to French language shop


com >> I would like to redirect to English language shop



when someone will write in google.de and will find my shop


my_shop.de I would like to redirect it to German language


without google, when someone will write URL: my_shop.de it would able to see German language


what happen later when someone will click on some link it would see my_shop.com/lang-de/something ?



how to connects global domains with prestashop



Will it increase SEO (using diffrent global domains: de, fr, com etc)?


Hi, we are currently testing our beta module for 1.4.x that supports mutiple ccTld's on a single PrestaShop installation. See my thread HERE.


We have successfully tested the module using domain aliasing. We are now investigating alternative methods to 'forward' our ccTld's to the root prestashop. Testing 302 re-directs, DO NOT USE 301's when you are using a single site in a multiple ccTld's schema.


as for suggestions that one simply forward their ccTld's to prestashop as a solution, the problem is that ps changes the url to that of the base core...

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