Hello @fujitsuDev
I'm pretty new to programming , finally I understood what you did.
I've copy pasted you code inside my cart-detailed-product-line.tpl file without success.
I've just needed to truncate in order to cut off the ID of the variant.
<div class="variants"> {$clear1 = "{$product.url|regex_replace:'/[^\d*]+$/':''}"} {$clear2 = "{$clear1|regex_replace:'/^(.*[\/])/':''}"} {$img_id = "{$clear2|truncate:3:""}"} <div class="texture" style="background-image: url({$urls.img_ps_url}co/{$img_id}.jpg); width:50px; height:50px"></div> </div>
Do you know how to cut until the "-" (dash) intead of truncating the first 3 chars?