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Available quantities


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I need to show in my shop ( FO only product available quantity if it is less then 100 pieces. If more then 100 then just to hide text.

For products WITHOUT combinations i modified code in product.tpl to this and it works:

	        <p id="pQuantityAvailable"{if $product->quantity <= 0 || $product->quantity >= 100} style="display: none;"{/if}>
                    <span id="quantityAvailable">{$product->quantity|intval}</span>


BUT this wont work on products WITH combinations. There I must modify js/product.js and I need help here because im not so familiar with javascripts.

I already found these lines:

		if (quantitiesDisplayAllowed)

			if (quantityAvailable < 2) // we have 1 or less product in stock and need to show "item" instead of "items"

I changed 

		if (quantitiesDisplayAllowed && quantityAvailable < 100)

and it kind of works but when i select combination with more than 100 pieces in quantity the text wont go away. It stays on from last combination what was used with less then 100 pieces.

I tried this and that but as I mentioned I am not so familiar with javascript. 

Can PS gurus help me out here?

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