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I face to the problem that i hope to get the answer here i have www.mysite.com and the redirect site www.mysite.fr. i would like to secure my fr site and i already bought the ssl sertification for that and i dont have any problem in my .com site. i asked my server and they told me your ssl is completely install and also they told me the problem is in prestashop. anyone have the idea of fixing this problem.


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Could you please respect a minimum this forum rules. Here you MUST speak in french. Other section of the forum are reserved for their respective language.

Bear in mind that you you are asking question related to domain. You MUST also mention the exact domain in order to receive appropriate help. And I you think the problem is with your PrestaShop, you have also to provide the exact version number you are working with.

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On 21/09/2018 at 11:09 AM, F@rzad said:

Je n'ai pas vu de règles concernant expliquer en français !!!! et des domain www.pandorée.com et www.pandoree.fr et maintenant si vous pouvez aider, répondez et si non laissez


1. Forum > Forum francophone > Discussion générale ...

2. tu mentionnes pandoree.fr et pandorée.com (avec un accent pour ce dernier). Attention un domaine accentué possède au niveau bas une toute autre syntaxe. (punycode)


Le certificat de pandoree.fr (un EV) valide pour pandoree.fr et www.pandoree.fr



pandoree.com => pas de certificat connu



Le certificat pandorée.com (xn--pandore-gya.com) (un wildcard DV) valide pour xn--pandore-gya.com et *.xn--pandore-gya.com


Un second certicat pour pandoréé.com (xn-pandore-hya.com) (un wildcard DV) valide aussi pour xn--pandore-gya.com et *.xn--pandore-gya.com



Maintenant coté DNS,

pandoree.fr => A:

www.pandoree.fr => A:

xn--pandore-gya.com => A:

xn--pandore-gya.com => A:


Et enfin coté SSL (openssl):

Subject: CN = *.xn--pandore-gya.com
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                DNS:*.xn--pandore-gya.com, DNS:xn--pandore-gya.com

Subject: C = FR, L = ASNIERES SUR SEINE, O = Montour S.A.S, CN = www.pandoree.fr
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                DNS:www.pandoree.fr, DNS:pandoree.fr


Tous les test montrent que les 2 sites répondent correctement en https avec leurs certificats respectifs.


Quel est exactement ta question en regard des redirections ?


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