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please explain in noob language lol how to accept credit cards

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Hi all and thanks in advance.

I want to be able to recieve credit card/debit card payments through my shop.
i have instaled the offline payment module.
Thing is how do i use the info it gives me.
I am in the uk so wondering how i can accept the payment, do i need business account or something else.

Thanks all.

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You can use the Paypal module to accept Paypal payment. Paypal allows your customers to pay via their own Paypal accounts or debit/credit cards (Visa, Mastercard etc).

To use the Paypal module, you need a Paypal account (Business account type recommended).

If you already have a Point-Of-Sales (POS) system installed for your store, please ask your bank to recommend a compatible module so that you can integrate all payments and accounts for both online & offline sales.

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