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mysql question

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I am trying to export just my categories and products so that I can import them into another store. I dont want to export anything but product and category info.

I checked only the ps_product and ps_category and did a sql export.

When I go to my other store I get this error when importing

SQL query:

-- -- Dumping data for table `ps_category` -- INSERT INTO `ps_category` (`id_category`, `id_parent`, `level_depth`, `active`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES (1, 0, 0, 1, '2011-01-20 17:46:29', '2011-01-20 17:46:29'), (118, 108, 2, 1, '2011-01-25 14:58:25', '2011-01-25 14:58:25'), (120, 108, 2, 1, '2011-01-25 14:59:07', '2011-01-25 14:59:07'), (109, 108, 2, 1, '2011-01-25 14:29:44', '2011-01-25 14:29:44'), (108, 1, 1, 1, '2011-01-25 14:29:01', '2011-01-25 14:29:01'), (107, 1, 1, 1, '2011-01-25 10:43:22', '2011-01-25 10:43:22'), (119, 108, 2, 1, '2011-01-25 14:58:52', '2011-01-25 14:58:52'), (105, 1, 1, 1, '2011-01-25 09:15:24', '2011-01-25 09:15:24'), (106, 1, 1, 1, '2011-01-25 10:33:02', '2011-01-25 10:33:02'), (110, 108, 2, 1, '2011-01-25 14:30:26', '2011-01-25 14:30:26'), (116, 108, 2, 1, '2011-01-25 14:57:45', '2011-01-25 14:57:45'), (117, 108, 2, 1, '2011-01-25 14:58:07', '2011-01-25 14:58:07'), (121, 108, 2, 1, '2011-01-25 14:59:34', '2011-01-25 14:59:34'), (122, 108, 2, 1, '20[...]

MySQL said: Documentation
#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 1

What am I doing wrong, also what are all the ps_ tables I need to export to export my category and product info only?

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