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Pro-Theme et-computer-store

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Thanks rbarrick

I havn't tested any themes on v1.1 beta because i was waiting for the stable release to come out.
If the prestashop team can confirm there will be no more changes to the way themes are done between 1.1 beta and 1.1 stable then i will look into it.

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Hi rbarrick

I will convert the computer template today and the download will be packaged with 1.0, so you get both versions for the price of one.

While im speaking of price, does everyone think the current price is fair? im only asking because i havnt had much interest (in purchases) as of yet.
Ist it the price? or is it my designs?

If its the price... what do people suggest?
If its the designs... what are people looking for?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

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hi Static,

I doubt its your price, $10 seems a little to cheap too me, I think (considering time taken and support and number of likely sales) that $49 would be more realistic. At the end of the day your saving people who want a theme a lot of time (and money of bespoke).

People use these themes to sell product in an on-line shop. $49.00 would be a very small part of the overall cost of setting up a on-line business. And I think, if themes are very professional, this would be easy for anyone to justify

Just my opinion of course

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Hi Static,

Lol I see you are in need of money for the holydays!

Any ways you need to have some patience with your Theme Store since you just started it, plus remember lots of us that visit this forum have a little experience in html, php and css and we like to do our own work.

And about the price I think $10.00 to $12.00 Dollars are great. Have in mind too, that lots of people will ask you for some custom design and that’s where you make more money.

Now I would like to have all 3 the et-beautyshop, et-jewelry-store and the et-computer-store but all for version 1.1
As soonest I find my paypal info. %-P

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Lol thanks heilo

I get so many people emailing me asking how to download.... i guess it is confusing for firstime uses, because you dont expect the order to open down.

I think i might modify the top of the history page with instructions

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