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get category by id and sub categories and show under another category page


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Hi, i am new to prestashop and using prestashop 1.7. 

I wanna show one parent category with its sub categories data/information into another parent category page in category.tpl file.

I have created frontcontroller

public static function getCategoryName($id){

$category = new Category ($id,Context::getContext()->language->id);

return $category->name;


and displaying category name by id 


273 is category id.

now i can not find the way to show sub categories and their cover images of category id 273


Edited by Abdul (see edit history)
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To display the same in .tpl file, you need to assign the variable from the controller file. This function can't be called directly into tpl.

In the controller, write the code like.

$subcategories = getChildren(273, Context::getContext()->language->id);

$this->conext->smarty->assign('subcategories', $subcategories);

In the tpl file, you can access the subcategories using the variable {$subcategories} but you need to run a loop in the tpl to display the subcategories. 



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