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[MODULE] Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders

Knowband Plugins

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Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders

The cart abandonment is one of the major challenges for the online businesses but by using the right retargeting tools online store owner can overcome this challenge. Abandoned Cart Module allows the store admin to send the reminder emails to the customers. Admin can also set up a series of the reminders to encourage the customer to complete their order.

More info and purchase here: Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders



Features of Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders Module:

1) Mark Abandoned Cart: The store admin can set the time duration after which the cart will be considered as abandoned.

2) Email reminders: The store admin can set up the email reminder for the abandoned carts.

3) Customized email templates: This Abandoned Cart Module offers a variety of email templates which can be customized by the admin as per the need.

4) Cron setup: In order to send the series of reminder emails admin can set up the cron for the reminder emails. Admin can send the simple reminder emails or emails with special discounts.

5) View Abandoned Carts: The store admin can view the abandoned carts from the module back office.

6) Converted Carts: Admin can view the converted carts.

7) Analytics: The store admin can check the analytics of the abandoned carts and converted carts for the module back-office.

Module link: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment/18297-knowband-abandoned-cart-serial-reminders-smart.html






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  On 10/24/2018 at 5:34 AM, David said:

Can you please confirm if this module is compatible with your Multi Seller Marketplace Module?

Customer will get the abandoned cart email for all the products from different sellers?


Hi David,

Abandoned Cart Module is compatible with the Marketplace module. You can send abandoned cart emails to the customers by using this extension.
Abandoned Cart Module allows the store admin to send the series of follow-up emails to remind the customers regarding the products left in the shopping cart.
We hope that this information will help you. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 11/22/2018 at 9:43 AM, David said:

I would like to send the abandoned cart emails to the registered users only. Does your module support this feature? 


Yes, it is possible. After purchasing the module contact our support team and they will make the required changes in the module so that the module will save the abandoned carts of the registered users only. 

Feel free to contact us for any further assistance. 

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Abandoned Cart Serial Reminder Module is the part of the "Ecommerce Pack" module. There are 3 modules in the "E-commerce Pack Module":

1) One Page Checkout:  One Page Checkout module is the best solution to offer the hassle-free checkout experience to your customers. The One Page Checkout module replaces the step checkout process from your web-store and allows the customers to view the cart details, shipping & billing details, delivery methods & shipping charges on the single page. Social Login options - Facebook and Google login allows the customers to place this order in simple steps. The One Page Checkout module has been downloaded 5000+ times on PrestaShop Addon store. 

2) Multi Vendor Marketplace: Multi-Vendor Marketplace is a new revenue model in eCommerce. By converting your existing online store into a marketplace you can allow multiple sellers to sell their product on your marketplace. You can earn a fixed percentage of the commission from the sellers and also helps you to offer better product choices to your customers. The Multi-Vendor Marketplace module is GDPR compliant and it has been downloaded 500+ times on PrestaShop Addons store. 

3) Abandoned Cart Serial Reminder Module: Abandoned cart is the biggest trouble for the store admins. In order to help the store admin to reduce the cart abandonment and win back the customers, Knowband offers the Abandoned Cart Module. This module allows the store admin to send the follow-up emails to the customers who have abandoned the cart. Sending follow-up emails for the cart abandonment is one of the most successful tricks to win back the customers. The admin can send a series of reminders with the special coupon codes to encourage the customer to complete his/her order. 

The pack of these 3 most popular modules allows the store admin to SAVE 40€.


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[FAQ] Does this module capture abandoned cart for the guest users?

Ans: Absolutely, yes. This module allows you to capture guest checkout abandonment on your store. To check whether the user who has abandoned cart is a guest or registered type, go to
“View Abandoned Carts” section at back-office. You will find a list of abandoned cart users along with their customer type detail.


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A new version v2.0.1 of Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders (Smart) Module is now available.

What's new in v2.0.1:

[ADD] Popup functionality for reminding & providing the incentives to left abandoned cart.

[ADD] Functionality to send Push Notification to remind and send the incentives for abandoned carts.

[ADD] Cron Log functionality so that admin could check if the cron is being executed or not.

Edited by Knowband Plugins (see edit history)
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We are glad to share the news that Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders Module has just achieved the milestone of 2000+ downloads on PrestaShop Addon Store.
Thanks for your support!!

With the Abandoned Cart module, you can easily recover your lost sales by sending reminder emails, sending push notifications to your customers, show popup etc so that the customer come back to your online store and complete the purchase.

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Add an Abandoned cart module on your Prestashop store and increase conversion and recover lost sales on your store by sending follow-up emails to your customers and offers exciting discounts to engage the customers.

A new improved version 3.0.3 of the Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders (Smart) Module is launched now with minor bug fixes.

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