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[Solved]Javascript fonts?? how do I add them??

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I have seen a couple of posts about changing/adding javascript fonts but I havent found an answer to the issue. I know there is a module that kan fix this, but how do you do it manually???

After about 16 hours of browsing code I think it is something with editor_plugin_src.js, but I dont know what to do with it?

The theme I purchased had 5 javascript fonts with it but I can't find a link to ANY of them - in ANY file???

PLZ help

Regards from Denmark

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I found the solution

starting from line 29 in header.tpl:

           Cufon.replace('h4, h2');

I am making a videogame store-theme and I wanted to have the DooM font to replace the headlines - theese are h4 and h2 in my store

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