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how to use "Bulk Lister" ?

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1) The first thing to do is to open your CSV file in any text editor software to identify the column separator it uses.  In many cases this is a ';', but it can be almost any character, for example, ',' or ':'.

2) In Back Office >> Tools >> Import, browse to select the CSV from your hard drive or network drive.

3) In the Column separator: field, type the character used to separate values in the CSV file you will be importing.

4) Click Import File.

5) On the next page, select from the drop-down list above each column the value you want to attribute to the corresponding value.


For example:


In your CSV file, one line of data reads: "050-D821, Superman T-shirt,Red and white on a blue background,$10.00,100"


Then in the drop-down lists, you would select "reference", "name", "short description", "price", and "quantity" accordingly.


6) Click the red X to delete any line of data you do not wish to import.

7) Click Import CSV data.


Please note that the imported products are added to your current product database.  No existing products are deleted. This means that you can successively add CSV files if desired.


Let us know if you have any problems.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a copy of the file.


I also tried uploading 2500 items and got that error and other all starting with "Hack attempt"


It is also very slow, and crashed my browser......




When uploading in to Category is there any way for it to make the category's and the sub-category's?? it uploaded them to know where.


I see the items on the site but ni where to be found in the back end :(


Please advise.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rain3r,


Please is it possible to import the pictures too (and how)?


It is not possible to import images with the Import tool yet, but Thibaud is working on it!  His priority is to be able to import attributes, which is a complicated affair.  If he has time before the release of v1.0, he will get images to import as well.  If he doesn't have the time, he will develop it for a post-v1.0 release.



Hi PlusSizeAppeal,


What am I doing wrong?


Nothing. ;D It's a bug (or rather, a lack of functionality) in the Import tool that doesn't handle longer rows of import values.


Thibaud has fixed this and a few other bugs in the Import tool for the next release.  We ask that you wait just another few days until that release; we think you'll be pleased with the many improvements over v0.9.7. ;)

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And to add to this discussion, is there a way to set the Manf, Supplier, and Availability?


I have several hundred products to add and I don't want to go back to them and practically change everything again.


Thanks in Advance.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello all,

I'm new here and with the script and was wondering if there's an option undoing changes made bij importing csv file when things really got messed up.

By example:
Importing the products list went Ok. Thats fine now.
But now everytime I try to import a new product manually I get a complete list of images below the info area, called 2, similar to the import image tab, and it shows all possible images without showing them(as those are really not there so thats not the problem).

Thanks in advance.


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