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1 Click Upgrade Question

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So, quick question.

I tried upgrading a store with the 1clickupgrader, it hung on the database part, and I foolishly closed down the browser. Then everything returned HTTP error 500 and I did a hosting rollback. But there are still issues. Remnants of the upgrade, wreaking havoc in the store.

But my actual question is, what parts do the 1clickupgrader backup? Because I was thinking about rolling back with that backup, but new orders have come in since. Would these be safe? Is it only the store itself, that gets backed up, or is it everything? Will I lose the new orders if I roll back? Assistance is greatly appreciated.

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It stores two files on your server, one contains the shop files and the other one a DB backup. So in theory you could try to restore only one part, but still it is risky as database structures could have been changed by the upgrade.

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