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Product atributes not working

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Yes, i did

A quick check in Version and everything seemed ok.

If the "Impact on Price" and "Impact on Weight" is set at product attribute, the price and shipping cost (based on weight) gets calculated correctly.

have i misunderstood your question?
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Correct and not correct :cheese:
The category displays the wrong price, the product page is displaying the correct price, but when you choose atribute the price is not changing. When you buy the product atrribute the correct price is displaing in the basket.
I am confused :-P

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am experiencing a similar issue.

product A regular size = 12
product A large size (attribute used and increased by 1.00) should equal 13.

If I look in product list in shop I see correct 13 (if I set the large size as the default, otherwise I see the regular 12) - Good result :)

But on the product page, the large size displays a price of 12.84. If I add this to the basket, the price in the cart is 13. A difference of 0.16

If I rework the same example using regular size = 12 and increase 3.00 for large size the difference is 0.49

Tax is disabled.
No discounts are in place.

Why is there a difference? Is there a rounding option somewhere I can access?

Please help with any suggestions you may have.

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