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Selling in other Countries

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Dear Forum,

One website I look after is currently optimised for selling in the UK. It is hosted on a UK host and has a .co.uk domain.

If we would like to expand into say for example Spain. What do I need to do?

Do I need to simply provide an language options on the site and relevant translations or is there more to do than that? Do I need to have a second domain name mysite.es?

Sorry if these are ridiculous questions

Thank you


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Hi David,

to add spanish language, just follow the steps indicated by mikulas. Please be aware that this will only translate the functionalities of the shop, you will still need to translate all the item descriptions etc.

If you want a .es extension behind your domain name, you will need to buy it. I am no expert, but I am fairly confident that you should be able to make that domain point to the Spanish language version of your website, so when customers from spain use that URL, they won't have to manually switch from English to Spanish.

Hope this helps!


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