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Strip tags in homefeatured

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  • 1 month later...
Can someone help him because NOBODY knows THE FUCKING SOLUTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, you can recode so it doesn't strip the tags or another way of doing it is to use jQuery to replace a text string like '#break#' with an html line break '
' . So wherever you insert that text string a line break will occur. It is a hacky hack but it works.
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As an different example (shouldn't be too hard to transfer it to home featured) --- in editorial.tpl if you use the code below it will insert a line break wherever you insert a "|" in the text. So,

the quick red |dog

will be rendered on the page as

the quick red


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<!-- Module Editorial -->

   {if $editorial->body_home_logo_link}body_home_logo_link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$editorial->body_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}">{/if}
   {if $homepage_logo}getMediaLink($image_path)}" alt="{$editorial->body_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}" {if $image_width}width="{$image_width}"{/if} {if $image_height}height="{$image_height}" {/if}/>{/if}
   {if $editorial->body_home_logo_link}{/if}
   {if $editorial->body_logo_subheading}{$editorial->body_logo_subheading|stripslashes}
   {elseif $editorial->body_logo_subheading}{$editorial->body_logo_subheading}{/if} 
   {if $editorial->body_title}
         {assign var="nstring" value=$editorial->body_title|stripslashes}
         {assign var="nsplit" value="|"|explode:$nstring}
         {foreach from=$nsplit item=foo}

   {elseif $editorial->body_title}
         {assign var="nstring" value=$editorial->body_title|stripslashes}
         {assign var="nsplit" value="|"|explode:$nstring}
         {foreach from=$nsplit item=foo}

   {if $editorial->body_subheading}{$editorial->body_subheading|stripslashes}
   {elseif $editorial->body_subheading}{$editorial->body_subheading|stripslashes}{/if}
   {if $editorial->body_paragraph}{$editorial->body_paragraph|stripslashes}
   {elseif $editorial->body_paragraph}{$editorial->body_paragraph|stripslashes}{/if}

<!-- /Module Editorial -->

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That covers the validation. But what about the output?


Surely the smarty needs to be adjusted too? I am just learning my way around Presta so may be wrong?!?

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