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Is there no way to avoid the language ISO-code in the URL when you are using friendly url?

If you only have one language, it makes no sense to include the ISO code in the URL.

Eg. you only have english language enabled, therefor you want the following URL:


Instead of:


My suggestion is to leave out the ISO-code from the URL in the shops default language.

Anyone have a solution?

Prestashop v.

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I'm having the same problem. Even If you have the option for multiple languages I don't see the need to have the iso code in the url anyway.

How do you remove the language iso codes using the .htaccess file please?


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it should work.

- when you click regenerate make sure you tick the friendly url box.

- once the new file is generated, manually check the new htaccess file

- check permissions on the htaccess file

- empty your browser cache, restart your computer

- empty the prestashop cache, i do not know how to do this at the minute (search the forum)

i am sure is is something simple, if none of these work all i can do is suggest report a bug

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I've the same problem here. My site's language is English only. But all of a sudden my links have /en/ in them and those lead to 404 error. I've deleted all the other languages, uninstalled the languages block and regenerated the .htaccess file, but it's still the same.


Can anyone help please? I read something about friendly URL playing a part, but I don't want to have to turn it off. Is there something I can edit in the .htaccess that'll stop the redirect?

Edited by Pez (see edit history)
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