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Download redirect.

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I was wondering if there is a way i can have a file that is downloaded on purchase that when opened will redirect to my server that contains the real donwload files. The reason for this is that my host blocks uploads larger than 2M but my local server (in my house) i can upload directly to with no limit. Is this possible?

If so any help would be appreciated. I dont want you to do it for me just help me help myself.

Thank you

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i need to find a way to do what i originally posted i also have a size limit on my host of 500MB total. each file im uploading is in the 6 to 7 hundred MB range, so i want to host them on my private server.. so i need a way to have the redirect work. anyone please help!


If i may be a little bit clearer. I want to upload a file that contains a redirect script or something like that, so when downloaded (Very small file) it will then redirect the users browser to 98.72.134.xxx (IP of the Download server i have). Is this possible?? im no good with scripts or code. i just have an imagination and a thing for trying new things. ;-)

All help is greatly appreciated.

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Thanx that actually helpd a little mainly because it gave me an idea.
the get_file.php is only a bunch of letters to me im no good with coding.. sorry.

But my idea is can i get PS to just download from a specific IP or site when it calls for the download instead of looking in Prestashop/downloads have it look in for ex.

is this possible???

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