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Ordering CSS files with Autoload

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Hi all,

I've currently trying to optimize my website and in doing so I'm trying to activate all the CCC features. As of right now I've got CCC merging all of my CSS except for one CSS file containing the majority of the custom CSS for the site. When I add this file into the autoload folder it shows up somewhere in the middle of the load order for CSS files however all of the module CSS files load in after this file and this causes conflicts. Is there a way to force this file to load after the modules?

I could go through the file in question and add a tonne of important tags but it would take too long to try to work out which selectors will need these tags and in general that's a bad practice. 

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That behavior is like that, all CSS files in the autoload are loaded before any module, you need create your CSS rules with a more specify path to get a greater weight than other, or use "!important", although in your case adding !important to everything is a very bad practice.



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