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Applying Taxes in Prestashop

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I live in NJ and need to charge sales tax on most of my products. But, I do not charge sales tax on my clothing products. For some reason, Prestashop is applying sales tax to my clothing products and I can't figure out how to change this.

Help please!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem.

Trying to only tax hard goods in MN, and not clothing.

You would think that in the Catalog, enabling a certain tax amount would apply to a certain zone, and all others would be turned off. But if you turn off taxes in the Payments>Taxes tab it doesn't allow you to turn any taxes on your product!


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  • 1 month later...

I'm pretty sure this issue can be solved by just choosing the correct tax, or no tax, when you create or modify your product.

You should be able to go to BO>Catalog to get to your products in question. Then Edit your product and go to the "Tax Rule" drop down box and select "No Tax" for any item (clothing) you don't want to apply tax to.

It's a little difficult to tell for sure because the settings are complicated. I have, however, created a video tutorial on how to set up taxes for version and my taxes are working. I have not tested in your scenario, though. The tutorial can be found at http://www.prestatraining.com/set-up-taxes-in-prestashop-v1-4/. Take a look at the video and let me know if it helps at all.

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Thank you for your assistance. I watched your tutorial but it is does not address state tax compared to product tax. I have tried clicking "No Tax" under the particular product pages but it is still charging taxes. Looking for more help please!

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Hi adarco,

I'm not sure if I understand by your statement "but it is does not address state tax compared to product tax." Could you please elaborate on that a bit more. When you say that, I'm assuming you are talking about selecting "No Tax" from the "Tax Rule" section when you create a product. Selecting "No Tax" versus a State tax from the list, or some other custom tax you may have created, should afford you the opportunity to create a non-taxable item, no matter where your customer is from.

I just set up a "Non-Taxable Test Product" in my store and set the price at $100 for easy math. When I created the product, I set the "Tax Rule" to "No Tax." I then added the product to my cart using three different accounts. One from within the taxing state (2.9% tax), one from within the taxing county and state (1% + 2.9% = 3.9%), and the last account was out of state (No tax collected). No tax was applied to this product in any of these three scenarios, so it worked as it should.

I also tested it again by adding a different taxable item to the cart and taxes show up as they were supposed to.

So, it appears there is a difference between your configuration and mine.

First, are you using PrestaShop That is what my tutorial was based on. Second, did you make the code modifications shown in the tutorial? If you didn't, the taxes won't work correctly. Lastly, if you have done all these things, I would suggest going back through the tutorial again and making sure that all the settings are the exactly the same.

By the way, thanks for taking the time to watch the tutorial.

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