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Fatal Error on bankwire payment


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Hi to all,

I try to explaine a silly situation.

I ran PS

When user try to pay with bankwire payment, appears FATAL ERROR (immediatly after a confirmation order)

The strange is:

- all mobiles users works well
- all safari users works well

- all w10 with explorer users works wekk
- all Firefox users got error (OSx and Win)
- all Chrome users got error (OSx and Win)

This error appears very strange because I have made no modification.
I made some "silly" solutions, like clear caches, recompile, clear cache on all clients but I'm not able to solve it.


Edited by Sergio (see edit history)
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After surfing a while, I didn't find a "right" solution.
I checked all modification I made before problem appears and I'm pretty sure I modified only products (such description, price and so on).
I made a silly modification about description of order status, due to have a more used order status on top of combobox.

A user wrote that he solved this problem with go in all settings regarding payments (such nation, status, groups,availabilities and so on), modified some things, save, re-modifyng check,flag,description and so on and......with great surprise module works well.
I know, I don't like this kind of solution......but in this way I have my shop 100% ok with all OS and all browsers

So, if someone know the reason, please tell me (us)


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