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Job offer: Product page form


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Hello :-)

I would like to create easy form on the product page. We have store with MDF, laminated etc sheets. How it will be work:


- The customer on the product page (for example MDF sheet 28mm 5,7 m2 for 100 Dollars) will fill the form with customization of the product

- For free the customer fill height in milimetres and width in millimetres, choose the way of structure (radio button) and choose the edging of edges (check button)

- Radio and check buttons will have images.

- Under this form will be button "ADD NEXT SHEET" = It will add the same empty form like up

- These form data I need show in the cart + administration > orders

- I need in the product administration check box like "show in this product"


For better understanding please see the attach. Please your offer with price, thank you very much!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Good Morning,
We are seeing what you need and we can offer you our MegaProduct module to sell products by measures.
This module allows the customer to add the desired measure of the product. You can also set ranges, so you can add measures for example 5 in 5 cm or so you have to choose a predetermined measures, as you need.
You can also add all the options you want without creating combinations, so your store will be much faster.
You can set the prices per measure, fixed price, apply run cost extra to each attribute, apply discounts for buying x quantity and much more.
In addition, with our module of product tables, the customer can add different measures and options on the same page, without leaving the product page.
All the information of the personalization will appear in the checkout and in the order, so that you do not slip any data.

You can see an example here: http://megaproduct17.showdemo023ps.com.es/es/awtableproduct/44-producto-m2-con-tabla-tablero-de-madera.html

If you have any questions you can write to us at [email protected] and we will gladly answer you.

Best regards.

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