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Knowband Plugins

Knowband Plugins

A new version v3.0.0 of Return Manager Module is now available for the PrestaShop v1.6 and v1.7.

New features & improvements:
1. Added Customer admin chat system.
2. Added cancel return request functionality by customer if enables.
3. Added min and max day option in return policy.
4. Added order status selection functionality.
5. Added option to generate coupon and update inventory in case of refund, update inventory in case of credit and replacement return type.

Front-Office demo:


Knowband Plugins

Knowband Plugins

A new version v3.0.0 of Return Manager Module is now available for the PrestaShop v1.6 and v1.7.

New features & improvements:
1. Added Customer admin chat system.
2. Added cancel return request functionality by customer if enables.
3. Added min and max day option in return policy.
4. Added order status selection functionality.
5. Added option to generate coupon and update inventory in case of refund, update inventory in case of credit and replacement return type.

Front-Office demo:


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