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Newsletter signup and spam mails

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we have a prestashop 1.7 store and where the newsletter signup is getting a lot of subscriptions from strange email address like mo2vation@ca.rr.com and 68 more off unknow emailadresses.

I have turn on all confirmation and verifying in newsletter and put a reCaptcha on but where is still getting strange email subscriptions, now i have disabled the newsletter module ps_emailsubscription

Note: they all come from tor exit Router. I have checked all the IP adresses
But my question is how they subscribe, i dont see anything in the logs and no visiters in the logs from cpanel



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I have a similar issue in three different Prestashop installations As I have a double optin with newsletter subscriptions I receive tons of unconfirmed mails that cannot be delivered.

Also I have fake customer subscriptions as well.

How can it be that Prestashop forms don't have a security filter to avoid these problems?


Captura de pantalla 2020-05-28 a las 9.42.38.png

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