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[MODULE] Android and iOS Mobile App Builder for PrestaShop version 1.6 & 1.7

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Android and iOS Mobile App Builder Module for PrestaShop

The module “Knowband - Android and iOS Mobile App Builder” helps you to upgrade your PrestaShop store into a mobile app. This PrestaShop mobile app maker is the easy, robust and cost-effective solution to launch the mobile app for your online store. By using this eCommerce mobile app creator, the PrestaShop store owner can get the mobile app for the Android and iOS platforms. This module is available for the PrestaShop version and 1.7.x.x.

More Info and purchase here:  Android and iOS Mobile App Builder


The mobile app created by using the “Knowband – Mobile App Builder Module” offers the following features:

1.       Tablet and Mobile Support: The mobile app created by using this module is compatible with Tablets and Smartphone.

2.       Web-store synchronization: The store admin can easily sync their store with the mobile app.

3.       Multi-lingual support: The mobile app created by this module supports multiple languages.

4.       Supports multiple payment methods: The Mobile App Builder module supports multiple payment methods.

5.       Supports all shipping methods: The store admin can easily integrate multiple shipping methods to offer better shipping services to the customers.

6.       Design control: The store admin can select the theme/color of their choice for better user experience.

7.       Social Login: The PrestaShop store admin can allow the customers to login with the popular social media platforms like Facebook, Google+.

8.       Simplified Checkout: The simplified checkout of the Mobile App allows the customer to checkout without any hassle.

9.       Order Tracking: Admin can offer the order tracking facility to the customers.

10.   Push Notifications: The store admin can send multiple push notifications to the customers.

11.   Admin Interface: The store admin can easily manage the app from the back-office.

12.   Zopim Chat: The PrestaShop store admin can offer the live chat to the customers.

13.   Wishlist: The mobile app supports the wishlist feature which allows the customers to save the products of their choice so they can order these products later.

14.   Coupons support: This module app builder module supports the coupons and offers better customer experience.

Module Link: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/mobile/29188-knowband-android-and-ios-mobile-app-builder.html



Android-Mobile-app-builder-screenshot home screen.jpg

Android-Mobile-app-builder-screenshot login screen.jpg

Android-Mobile-app-builder-screenshot-account profile screen.jpg

Android-Mobile-app-builder-screenshot-category page screen.jpg

Android-Mobile-app-builder-screenshot-product page screen.jpg

Android-Mobile-app-builder-screenshot add to cart.jpg

Android-Mobile-app-builder-screenshot checkout page.jpg

Edited by Knowband Plugins (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 10/11/2018 at 11:52 AM, David said:


I have just purchased the Mobile app. Hoping the see my app in action as soon as possible.




Hi David,

Thanks for your comments. We will surely deliver the app as soon as possible. In the mean time we would like to request you to please check the User Manual of the Mobile App module and follow the instructions given in the manual.

In order to create the mobile app for your store our development team will require some additional details from you like app name, splash screen etc. Please provide the requested details on priority.

For any further assistance feel free to contact our support team.

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  • 4 weeks later...

[FAQ] How many push notifications can be sent via Mobile App?
The store admin can send the unlimited push notification through the Mobile App. The Mobile App created by this module allows the store admin to send the push notifications for the Order Creation, Order Status Change, Cart Abandonment and Custom notifications. 

Push Notification Settings: 
The Push Notification Settings tab of the Android and iOS Mobile App builder module allows the store admin to set up the push notifications for the Order Creation, Order Status Change and Cart Abandonment.

Firebase Server Key: Enter the Firebase Server Key. It is mandatory for sending the push notifications. At the time of app creation, our development team will set up the Firebase Key for your app. 

Create Order Notification: 
The store admin can send the push notifications for the order confirmation. The admin has the options to enter the title and the details for the notification. 

Order Status Change Notification:
The store admin can send the push notifications for the order status update. The admin has the options to enter the title and the details for the notification. 

Abandoned Cart Notification:
The store admin can send the push notifications for the cart abandonment. The admin has the options to enter the title and the details for the abandoned cart notification. On clicking the link the user will be redirected to the shopping cart page. 

Cron settings: The store admin can automate the push notifications via cron set up. 

Push Notification History:
The Push Notification History tab of the Android and iOS Mobile App builder module allows the store admin to send the custom notifications. In order to send a custom notification click on the Send Notification button. 

It will open a window to enter the Notification details like:

Title: Title of the notification. 

Message: Message for the notification. 

Select Broadcast  Device Type: Admin can select the type of Device - Both Android/iOS, Android, iOS. 

Select Image Type: Admin can upload the image separately or enter the URL of the image. 

Select redirect Activity: Admin can add the landing page for the notification. Admin can select the Home Page, Category Page or Product page as the landing page. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

[FAQ] What details are required to publish the Mobile App to the Google Play and Apple store?

In order to compile the Mobile App for your PrestaShop store, our development team needs some details related to your store:

  • Splash Image (1280x1920 png)
  • App Icon (512x512 png)
  • Website URL
  • Website Name
  • Desired Social Login option (Facebook and/or Google)
  • Theme Color 

After purchasing the module contact our support team, and they will share the link of the pre-requisites above details. As soon as we will get these details it takes just 1 day for our development team to build the APK and IPE for your PrestaShop mobile app. After creating the APK/IPE file we will send it to you for review and as per the store admin's confirmation, we will upload the APK/IPE file to the respective app store. 

Note: In order to upload the app to the Google Play store and Apple store, you should have the accounts on the respective platforms. 

You can further contact us for customization.

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  • 2 months later...

Explore a new world of possibilities with the advanced features of the PrestaShop Mobile App Builder Module. The latest version of the PrestaShop Mobile App Builder module v2.0.8 is now available at the PrestaShop Addon Store.

More Info and purchase here:  Android and iOS Mobile App Builder


New Features:

1) Flexible Home Page Layout:

The home page layout of the Mobile App is the key factor to help the customers to make their purchase decisions. By adding the top categories, best selling products, Flash Sale timer and other banners highlighting the best products & services of your store the store admin can improve the customer experience. Based on the feedbacks of the valued customers we have added the feature to design the home page of your mobile app as per your requirements. The new home banner layout allows the store admin to add multiple elements to the home page by just using the drag & drop option. The store admin can add following elements to the home page:

  • Top Categories
  • Square Banner
  • Horizontal Banner Sliding
  • Banner Grid
  • Banner with a Countdown time
  • Products Square
  • Products Horizontal Sliding
  • Products Grid
  • Products Recently Access

The admin can arrange these elements in any order as per their requirements.

Look and Feel of the Mobile App:

The latest version of the Mobile App module offers a variety of the fonts & colors to make the mobile app more appealing and attractive.

Featured Products on the Home Screen:

Display a block of the featured products on the home page. By displaying the featured products you can increase the chances of the sales.

OTP & Fingerprint Login:

The advanced technical enhancements in the Mobile App world are moving towards the Artificial Intelligence (AI). In order to meet the latest requirements, the latest version of the Mobile App Builder app has the Finger Print Login feature.

Product Social Sharing:

The store admin can allow the Mobile App users to share the product on the social sharing sites. This feature is helpful to reach out to the new audience and if existing customers share the products then it influences other users and encourages the customers to place their order.

Gamified Popup - Spin and Win Extension:

The gamified popup module spin and win is now compatible with the Mobile App module. By offering a gamified interface to win alluring discounts to your customers you can easily increase the chances of the sale on your store.

Brand Promotion:

The store admin can add the store logo to the mobile app from the module back-office.

Social Login:

Social login options - Facebook and Google+ login options are the most widely used platforms to make the login process easy for the customers.

Zopim chat & WhatsApp Chat:

The Zopim and WhatsApp chat can help you to improve the customer service at your store. By using these options the store admin can easily provide the help to the customers regarding the pre-sale, shipping, and delivery inquiries.

Easy Navigation:

The latest version of the Mobile App Builder module allows the store admin to browse the store products by just swiping the products. The store admin can also enable the option to directly navigating to the checkout page on add to cart action.

More Info and purchase here:  Android and iOS Mobile App Builder
















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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

A new version of the Android and iOS Mobile App Builder Module v2.1.1 is now available for the download.

For details: Click here

What is new in Version 2.1.1:
[ADD] Update cart badge when product is added into the cart
[ADD] Tab Bar changes
[ADD] Custom category icons
[ADD] CMS pages as the target on the banner
[ADD] Heading on banner images and categories top
[ADD] Dynamic fonts in the app
[ADD] App Background color

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

A new version of the PrestaShop Android & iOS Mobile App Builder v2.1.5 is now available for PrestaShop v1.6 & v1.7.

For details: Click here

What's new in Version v2.1.5:

[ADD] GDPR Compatibility

PrestaShop Mobile App Builder


Display Terms & Conditions on following web pages:

1. Login Page


2. Sign Up Page

3. Guest Login Page

4. Personal Details Page

5. Address Page

6. Checkout Page

7. Payment Page


Prestashop Mobile App -GDPR-Page.png

Prestashop Mobile App -GDPR-My-account-2.png

Prestashop Mobile App -GDPR-My account.png

Prestashop Mobile App -GDPR-Login-Page.png

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  On 10/10/2019 at 2:59 PM, jeanluc.12 said:

Hi Knowband,

This GDPR version will also work for the Multi Vendor Marketplace app?



The new version of the Android and iOS Mobile App is compatible with the Marketplace module so these changes will also work on the Marketplace Mobile App. Please contact our support team for the details they will help you to upgrade the module. 

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Hi Knowband,


From what I understand - when buying this module the sources for the 2 applications (Android & Apple) are not delivered. I will have to provide some details, like website url, app name, .... and your team will build the 2 (APK/IPA).

But what if I want to make some changes to the app? Like change some layouts, texts, colours, media, pages, etc...? 

Do you also provide the 2 source codes so I can make them myself or I will have to request them to your team so they will do it and then send back the new builds? If this is the case, is it included in the support plan? If not - what is included and what not?


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  On 10/15/2019 at 11:39 AM, cristic said:

Hi Knowband,


From what I understand - when buying this module the sources for the 2 applications (Android & Apple) are not delivered. I will have to provide some details, like website url, app name, .... and your team will build the 2 (APK/IPA).

But what if I want to make some changes to the app? Like change some layouts, texts, colours, media, pages, etc...? 

Do you also provide the 2 source codes so I can make them myself or I will have to request them to your team so they will do it and then send back the new builds? If this is the case, is it included in the support plan? If not - what is included and what not?



Hi Cristic,

We would like to request you to please check the demo of the module.

The Mobile app builder module offers great customization options and allows to customize the layout, color and fonts of the app as per your requirement, so there is no need to build the new APK/IPA. In case you need any further details then please contact our support team:


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Après avoir longuement cherché la meilleur solution pour avoir une application de mon site prestashop, je suis tombé sur ce module, et je dois avouer que je suis pleinement satisfait du résultat et surtout du serieux de l'équipe Knowband lors de mes differentes demandes de personalisation.

Je précise que je n'ai rien a gagner a vanter les mérites de cette entreprises, mais tenais seulement a les féliciter pour leur travail remarquable.

Pour ceux qui veulent voir ce que ça peux donner mon app android est ICI et la version Apple ne devrait pas tardé a être finalisée.

Merci à toute l'équipe continuez comme ça c'est TOP

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/25/2020 at 9:06 AM, PredatorAquaticsLTD said:

Hey there,


So the free version is to get a feel for how it works ?

Only the paid version produces an app ?




The Free version is to test the mobile app with your website i.e., how your website will look like in the App, and what are the functionalities of the app, etc. You can test the App in the Free version before purchasing the paid version.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/28/2020 at 11:19 AM, Knowband Plugins said:


The Free version is to test the mobile app with your website i.e., how your website will look like in the App, and what are the functionalities of the app, etc. You can test the App in the Free version before purchasing the paid version.


the Knowband - Mobile Login Module is one time fee? or there is a yearly charges? 

rebuild or resubmit the apps due to changes on the website, would they charge for it? or i need to build and submit myself or just free for unlimited build and submission?

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  On 2/13/2020 at 5:59 AM, Woon said:

the Knowband - Mobile Login Module is one time fee? or there is a yearly charges? 

rebuild or resubmit the apps due to changes on the website, would they charge for it? or i need to build and submit myself or just free for unlimited build and submission?


You need to pay only once to get the Mobile Login module. However, to purchase the SMS credits, you to coordinate with the SMS Provider and the charges for SMS credits can be a monthly or yearly basis.

As far as Mobile App is concerned, you need to pay only once for the Mobile App Builder and after that, you need to follow the following instruction:
 1) Purchase the module
 2) Fill the Prerequisite form

Our development team will develop the Mobile App for your store and share the final app with you for testing. As per your confirmation, the final file will be delivered to you that you can use to submit your app to the app store. The Mobile App Builder module offers an easy to customize home page screen so you can manage the app easily in case you need any new feature then it will be done on a chargeable basis and we will share the build again.

Note: Mobile Login module and Mobile App Builder are 2 separate modules.

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  • 2 months later...

A new version v2.1.9 of the Android & iOS Mobile App Builder is now available on the PrestaShop Addon store.

What's New in the version v2.1.9:

[NEW] Mobile UI Preview on the Module Backend - In order to make it easy for the store owners to check the home page layout, the latest version of the Mobile app builder module allows the store admin to preview the home page layout in the module back-office. We hope that the new feature will help the store admin to design the optimized home page layout that will improve the customer experience and boost revenue. 

Note: If there are any sort of custom changes in previous versions, then please make sure to take the backup of the module and contact our support team to upgrade the module. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


We are getting multiple inquiries regarding the screenshots of the module. We would like to inform you that currently screenshots are not available on the product page because of some issue with the listing. We are in touch with the Addon store team to resolve the issue.

We have added the screenshot of the Preview mode features here. This feature allows the admin to view the layout of the home screen in module back-office itself. This will help the store admin to design the home screen layout & review it from the back office in real time before making the design live. You can also test the same in the module demo. Please refer to the link below:

Back Office Demo: https://addons.prestashop.com/demo/BO21195.html


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  • 1 month later...


A new version of the Android & iOS Mobile App Builder is coming soon with 4 new following features:

1. "Add To Cart" button for products on Home Screen



2. "Add To Cart" button for products on Category Screen



3. Product Reviews and Star Ratings



4. Cross-selling on Product Screen with Related Products


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  • 4 weeks later...

A new version of the Android & iOS Mobile app builder module v2.2.0 is now available. 

New features added in the new version:

1) Add to cart button on home-screen

2) Add to cart button Category page products

3) Compatibility with the default PrestaShop review module

4) Compatibility with the Knowband - Related products module.

Please Click here to know more about the Android & iOS Mobile app module.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  On 1/31/2021 at 10:35 AM, arturmam said:

I bought prestashop application from you, unfortunately I deleted Firebase Server Key by accident. I know it comes with the app. Unfortunately, in your support, I can't ask for help. can you answer me how to get it back. best regards


As confirmed by our Mobile app support team the required solution has been shared with you. Please contact us if you need any further assistance. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

A new improved version of the Android & iOS Mobile App v3.0.2 is now available.

Key features of Knowband Prestashop Mobile App Builder Addon:

1. Easy to install Module.

2. The Complete Native Mobile App solution for your Prestashop Store.

3. Easy to customize Home-page layout (From Module admin end).

4. More than 20 Fonts and unlimited text color options.

5. Get an app that fits all screen sizes.

6. Real-time synchronization with your online Prestashop store.

7. One-click Google, Facebook, Apple and Fingerprint Login options.

8. Pre-installed one-page checkout.

9. Shipping methods free support.

10. By-default payment methods support.

11. Unlimited Push Notifications.

12. 24*7 WhatsApp chat support option.

13. Real-time Vouchers and Coupon support.

14. Proper white label apps.

15. Product social sharing.

16. Attractive Newsletter subscription pop-up.

17. Track your user traffic with Google Analytics connectivity.

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  • 2 months later...

Recently added feature in Prestashop Mobile Apps. 


After the recent Flutter updates, we have received various compliments regarding the updated Mobile Apps. 

Along with all the new features, we have also added some of the most requested suggestions in Prestashop Mobile App Builder.

Here is a brief description. 

1. Automated Location Detection (Based on Current Location).

Now the users will not have to enter their location manually. Moreover, the Mobile Apps will automatically detect the user's location based on the current address. 

2. Fingerprint Registration on the Account Page:

Prestashop Mobile Apps users can now add their fingerprints even after signing up. Later, they can use the same for logging into their accounts. 

3. Auto Phone Code Detection:
While registering their account, Prestashop Mobile App users can take aid from auto phone code detection offered by Prestashop Mobile Apps.

4. Offline Mode:
Prestashop Android and iOS Mobile App users can now explore their mobile apps even in offline mode. Not only the users will be able to access the recently visited pages but also the apps will run smoothly even with a low internet connection. 





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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

The all-new and improvised version of the Android & iOS Mobile App v3.0.6 is coming soon on the addon store with minor bug fixes and various richly loaded features.
1. Compatible with Prestashop v8.x.x versions.
2. Enable/Disable option for social logins in the Mobile Apps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi Jeanluc,

If you have configured the Spin and Win module at your store, then the Spin and Win popup appears when the customers open the App.
After spinning the wheel and providing their email ID, the customers will receive the Voucher which will be sent to their email.

And then the customers can use that voucher at the time of checkout.


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  • 1 month later...

You can create the home page layout from the backend of our module and by choosing the component of your choice from the given options and using the creatives you can create the layout of your choice.

If you need any help or face any issues, please reach out to our support team and we will be glad to assist your for the same.

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Exciting News! 🚀 We're thrilled to announce some fantastic new features coming soon to our Mobile App Builder module:

1. Dynamic Position of the Signup-Login Popup: Customize the placement of the signup-login popup to enhance user experience directly on the home page layout.

2. Enhanced Review Pages: Improved functionalities for writing, reading, and displaying reviews on the product page. This will make it easier for customers to share and read feedback.

3. Video in Banner Elements: You can now include videos in various banner types, including Banner Square, Banner Horizontal, Banner Grid, and Banner Countdown, making your promotions more engaging.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Exciting Update! 🚀 We're excited to share some amazing new features coming soon to our Mobile App Builder module:

Image/Video Support on Category Product Listing Pages: Admins will soon have the ability to add images or videos to category product listing pages, boosting visual appeal and user engagement.

Notification Deletion Feature: Admins will be able to delete promotional notifications directly from the module's backend, ensuring your app content remains fresh and relevant.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance your app-building experience!

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  • 1 month later...

We're thrilled to announce a set of new features in our Mobile App Builder for PrestaShop, designed to enhance both admin control and user experience.

1. Add Videos to Main Banner on Homepage:

Showcase products or promotions and boost customer engagement with this dynamic new feature to add videos to the main banner on your home page or category pages.



2. Switch Between List and Grid View on Category Page:

Our Prestashop Mobile App Builder now allows users to toggle between list and grid view for product listings on category pages. Enhance user experience with flexible viewing options.



3. UI Upgrade: Enhanced Notification Listing Page in Mobile App Builder:

We’ve improved the UI of the notification listing page in our Mobile App Builder for PrestaShop. Enjoy a cleaner, more user-friendly design to help users easily manage and view notifications.



4. Admin Can Now Delete Notifications in Mobile App Builder:

We’ve added a highly requested feature to our Mobile App Builder for PrestaShop! Admins can now delete notifications directly from the backend, giving you more control over your app’s content management.


Get the latest version of the Mobile App Builder today and take advantage of these new exciting features.

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  • 4 months later...

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