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New domian with


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I am having problems moving/copying a Prestashop from one domain to another (ex. "www.olddomain.com" to "www.newdomain.com").

I am quite familiar with all the basics, like FTP and database export/import.
I clear the cache before export, so /cache/smarty/cache/ and /cache/smarty/compile/ are cleared.
The new database informations are entered into /app/config/parameters.php before upload.

In the SQL file I change 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN' and 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL' to the new domain.
There are no other references to the old domain in the SQL file.

I feel that everything is done by the book.

But when I go to www.newdomain.com it jumps right on to www.olddomain.com
And when I go to www.newdomain.com/admin it jumps right on to www.olddomain.com/admin

What is the trick?

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Thank you very much for taking time to post your answer.

I cleared the \var\cache\prod folder and got a huge step further. Now I can see the shop and log on to administration. And I can see that there has been new cache files created in the \prod folder.

But now the product pictures are missing on the shop front page and product page?

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