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Froogle Or Google base what ever they are calling it these days

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Hi Again

Is there going to be any plans in the future to add an automatic upload of your site to google base? As I think this would be a very useful tool as I would think everyone ( I am sorry if I am offend any body by grouping every one) would benefit from this feature.

It would help me as at the moment I would need to manually set up the .txt file google base wants then change it when I change my product which is nearly every day.

As google base distributes its files to more than just froogle non e-commerce site would also benefit from the added traffic that would be generated by people now starting to use google base to search products and information.

What do you all think?

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Do you notice a difference with Kellkoo, shopping.com, le guide.com do they drive a lot of traffic  to your site? It is a shame that you do not get froogle.

To answer Bruno Lévêque about what is google base best link to look at is http://base.google.co.uk/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en_GB&answer=59537
that link is very help full. In a nut shell you have to down load your sites csv file then change th tabs to what google wants them to be ie colum A has to be product name coum B has to be price ect then you save it as a .txt file then you upload. If your site has a bigger csv file than 20mb you can upload by using googles FTP.

Let me know if it is possible to get this done. I do not know how the other sites work ie Kellkoo but the same module if written correctly could be changed about to up load to Kellkoo or shopping.com

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I would love to see a Google Base Export Module Available.

You can see how well it works through one of my other sites.

This site is made with Cubecart (Not as nice as Prestashop) http://www.trough-lights.co.uk

If you go to http://www.google.co.uk and search for "Trough Lights" look at the top under shopping results!! Straight at the top :)

Google Base is a must and hope a module can be created very soon.

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