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Combination selection error PS 1.7.4.x


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I have a problem with selecting combinations in font end in version 1.7.4.x.

For example, I have a product AAA, it has two combinations. One is color white, quantity 100. The other is color black, quantity 200. Default combination is white 100.

In the versions before 1.7.3.x, when the product page opened, default white 100 showed up. If I select black, it automatically changed the quantity to 200.

However, since 1.7.4.x, when I select black, it doesn't go to quantity 200, but shows a red error message that says An error occurred while processing your request. which means there is no way to select the other combination. The error message doesn't disappear even selecting back the default or other combinations. It's very confusing. 

How can I correct this problem? Anybody can help?

Thanks in advance!





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On 13.8.2018 at 11:02 PM, presta-rocks said:


The bugfix at this link is for Presta 1.7.5. For those who need the bugfix for Presta there is a part in the bug fix conversion describing a very little modification, which is working for me:


If you want to apply the modification for, you can try to just add the line 960 in "controllers/front/ProductController.php". You should have something like that:

if (!empty($groups)) {
    $requestedIdProductAttribute = (int) Product::getIdProductAttributesByIdAttributes(
Line 960 is only the "true", you have to place the comma in the line before too. So just replace
$groups ); }
$groups, true ); }
and it should work.
Edited by abhala (see edit history)
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