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How to Override addresses.tpl located at checkout/partials/steps

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Hello everyone,

    I am really in need of urgent help and guidance from people here in the forum who are experts in Prestashop 1.7.. I am working on a custom module which displays the user some selection options and then based on the selection the addresses form is displayed. Till 1.6 , I would use authentication.tpl and embed the hook inside. In 1.7 , I tried putting the line below in themes/classic/templates/checkout/_partials/steps/addresses.tpl and its working properly. But then in Prestashop 1.7 , the concept is not to touch the core theme files . So under themes/classic/modules , I created my module folder and followed the same path views/templates/checkout/_partials/steps/addresses.tpl with my extra line of hooking displayAddressFormTop. But its not working like before. Also I think that I will have to load this extra address.tpl in themes/mymodule/views...but how will I ? Do I have to create a new hook ? I am very confused and cant see many examples on forums. Even a small help will help me a lot.

{hook h='displayAddressFormTop'}
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