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[Solved] discount vouchers

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[solved]Is there any way to create a product discount voucher so that special customers who are in receipt of the voucher code are able to purchase goods and a lower price than the already discounted price on display.

Thanks hopefully!!


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Yes, there is. The voucher feature can do that. Go to BO --> Payment ---> Vouchers. Create a new voucher, enter the voucher code, discount amount or %, other discount settings, filter and select the specific customer and check the option "Cumulative with price reductions".

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Hello Calisyoda,

Thank you. I was looking at the modules for this and didn't realize it was part of the "menu".

Do you know if there's any way to not give a discount (i.e. $ or % or free shipping)?

The reason I ask, is we want to allow people to enter the code, pay the regular amount and then a portion of their order gets donated to a charity.


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Hi Phyllis,

Yes you can, though it's more of a round-about way of doing. I'm not sure if it's fully orthodox from accounting point of view. Please check with your accountant since every country's accounts reporting standard are different.

Here's how you do it:

1. Decide how much from each sales is going to charity (eg 10% or $5). You're not limited to only 1 choice.

2. Decide on the time frame for donation campaign (eg Week of Valentine's Day)

3. Create the voucher(s) with names & descriptions such as Charity10 for 10% donation of each transaction/sales or Donate5 for $5 donations irregardless of sales amount.

4. Set the discount % and/or amount to zero so that customers still pay the full amount.

5. Configure the donation vouchers to be usable by all customers or the customer group(s) you want.

6. Set Display the voucher in the cart summary option to "Yes" at the bottom.
** Very important, so that customers, you and your accountant have records in black & white on invoices which donation vouchers are used, how much and for which invoice.

7. Configure voucher's other settings as per normal.

8. To check and calculate the total uses of donation vouchers, sales & donations:

- Go to Stats tab

- Define the start date and end date, both inclusive, and save

- Scroll down, under Navigation section, click "Best Vouchers"

- Extract the vouchers' information: Voucher name, Total Sales & Total used

- Calculate the total donations.

A good practice I suggest is to compile a (hard) copy of invoices of all transactions which involve donations. This will allow you to double check with your data and calculations of donations extracted from the Back Office Stats feature, as well as for accounting purposes.

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