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Need your advice on PrestaShop training and tutorials

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Hello Everyone,

I’m working on creating a PrestaShop training resource and I need your help in deciding what to focus on. Please see my survey page here: http://www.prestatraining.com/question1.html

To learn how to set up my PrestaShop stores, I’ve read books and spent countless hours in the PrestaShop Forum and decided that there had to be a better way to learn how to use this awesome e-commerce software. I realized that I was a pretty good trainer using screen capture software, so I knew I could provide something that would be truly useful.

Please check out the video training that I have posted at http://www.prestatraining.com/. This new PrestaShop training resource will be primarily video based (English language) and I will also make other resources available depending on the feedback I receive from you.

Oh, and as a thank you for spending your valuable time, I will enter you into a drawing to win one of three free copies of the product when it is finished (hopefully, in month or so).

Please help me by taking this quick survey and let me know what you think will help you the most in learning how to use the PrestaShop software. Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you should probably focus on 1.4 when it comes out... I am using the RC3 version at the moment, and it's very different to modifying previous versions in some areas...

It seems like the final version is not too far away now; they are releasing Release Candidates quite regularly so I imagine quite a few people will want to make the switch.. Most people will make the switch purely for the one page checkout if nothing else!!

I look forward to seeing what you come up with; I am quite new to Prestashop and it does takes ages to find information about how to put themes together..

Good luck..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm closing my survey this coming Friday February 25, 2011. If you haven't already, please take a moment and go to http://www.prestatraining.com/question1.html to take the one question survey. I will draw for the winners next week, probably Monday February 28, 2011.

I'm planning on working with the three winners to help beta test my training product. So, they won't have to wait until it is completed to see it. They will also be able to help shape its development.

I received vastly more feedback than I expected and I can't say thanks enough.

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