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[Solved] Presta Remove Total (VAT excl.) from Checkout Process


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Hi all,

Pulling my hair out trying to fully disable taxes on

Have read all posts i can find, tried all methods i can find in the back office and even tried translations but still you can see this in the images provided. 

Any help is much appreciated.

Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at 16.42.52.png

Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at 16.43.57.png

Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at 16.44.50.png

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yes i know is a pain also in last ps 1.7 vs, from BO you cannot disable it!.....if you want no label in cart process you have to delete it from some tpl files ( create a copy of these files first, just in case you need again):

the code responsible for this label is this {$cart.labels.tax_short}

you will find some tpl files where it appears and the path is in themes/YOURTHEME/templates/checkout/_partials

So check cart-summary-totals-----than cart-detailed-totals and maybe some others...i don't remember now.



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Thank you Brooke, I selected the 'No' option for Tax on the International - Tax - Enable Tax screen but that did not remove the tax/vat label on the individual product listings on my version.

Thank you very much Fabry, I amended the first two files (below) with great success but the third file who knows what that pertains to. I have left the third file location listed below in case anyone wants to have a play with their own file.

I commented out whole blocks/divs which showed the 'tax_short' code, (commenting out rather than deleting lines means they are still there should you want to revert back to using them).

REMOVE TAX/VAT LABELS by amending files which contain the string 'tax_short'

Remove Tax Display from Active Shopping Cart / Basket

Remove Tax Display from Final Checkout Cart / Confirmation

Remove Tax Display from ??? (does not seem to affect the confirmation screen when you press 'ADD TO CART' on a product page)

Edited by Whitler (see edit history)
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  On 1/9/2019 at 3:29 PM, Whitler said:

Thank you Brooke, I selected the 'No' option for Tax on the International - Tax - Enable Tax screen but that did not remove the tax/vat label on the individual product listings on my version.

Thank you very much Fabry, I amended the first two files (below) with great success but the third file who knows what that pertains to. I have left the third file location listed below in case anyone wants to have a play with their own file.

I commented out whole blocks/divs which showed the 'tax_short' code, (commenting out rather than deleting lines means they are still there should you want to revert back to using them).

REMOVE TAX/VAT LABELS by amending files which contain the string 'tax_short'

Remove Tax Display from Active Shopping Cart / Basket

Remove Tax Display from Final Checkout Cart / Confirmation

Remove Tax Display from ??? (does not seem to affect the confirmation screen when you press 'ADD TO CART' on a product page)


Hello Whitler,


To successfully remove the VAT indication on the ajax popup that shows VAT go over to:


On the file modal.tpl, line 64, you can comment the taxshort. So, the line looks like:

 <p><strong>{l s='Total:' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}</strong>&nbsp;{$cart.totals.total.value} {*{$cart.labels.tax_short}*}</p>

Hope I helped. 



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