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I have installed the free version of the famous mailchimp integration.

It looks like the shop is connected, but is not fully function like it should be, products are not found, couponcodes are not found etc... 

Pop-up is working & link is syncin... But addittional features are not working... 


Who can help me with this? 

Prestashop - php 7.0 - integration 1.1.4



MailChimp error: The requested resource could not be found. url: https://us4.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/ecommerce/stores/1/promo-rules/24/promo-codes/1 data: {\"redemption_url\":\"https:\\/\\/natureldeluxe.be\\/\",\"enabled\":true,\"code\":\"10NEWS1\"}

MailChimp error: The requested resource could not be found. url: https://us4.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/ecommerce/stores/1/promo-rules/24 data: {\"title\":\"10% korting\",\"description\":\"\",\"starts_at\":\"2018-05-30 10:00:00\",\"ends_at\":\"2019-12-31 23:59:00\",\"enabled\":true,\"type\":\"percentage\",\"amount\":0.1,\"target\":\"total\"}


So like you see always "the requested resource could not be found ... 


When I try to do a proper re-install the logbook gives the following error: 

MailChimp error: Multiple errors. : Required fields were not provided: title title: Schema describes string, NULL found instead type: Schema describes string, NULL found instead variants.item:0: Required fields were not provided: title variants.item:0.title: Schema describes string, NULL found instead url: https://us4.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/ecommerce/stores/1/products data: {\"id\":\"3542\",\"title\":null,\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/natureldeluxe.be\\/valentino\\/donna-eau-de-parfum-100ml\",\"type\":null,\"variants\":[{\"id\":\"3542\",\"title\":null,\"inventory_quantity\":0,\"price\":93,\"sku\":\"\"}],\"image_url\":\"http:\\/\\/natureldeluxe.be\\/121548-home_default\\/.jpg\"}

The above fault is for every product logged. 

& the configuration is ending with a 404 error, but the module tells me the list is connected. (but sync is not working properly....  


Edited by Naturel Deluxe
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Ah well  can use this  its cutsomizable too



  • Customer Not visited for a certain (adjustable ) period of
  • Customer Not Visit After Registering New.
  • Birthday Wishes.
  • Reduced Prices.
  • New Items.
  • Make more Customized Campaigns

follows per hour restrictions of your server of you can adjust the emails per hour too



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  On 8/6/2018 at 8:26 AM, ksaan said:


I guess you are talking about this one ? https://addons.prestashop.com/en/newsletter-sms/26957-mailchimp.html

You can ask the module developer for help, see the link "contact the developer" on the right menu on the web page



That`s correct, but the developer doesn`t give any answers, I already tried ... 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same problem.

If i turn on debug function i got the message:

Warning op lijn 448 in bestand /home/mijnwebsite/public_html/modules/mailchimpintegration/mailchimpintegration.php
[2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

*** line 448***

foreach ($current_lists['lists'] as $list) {
                    $options[] = array(
                        'id' => $list['id'],
                        'name' => $list['name']

Also send an ticket to mailchimp.

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@vxmretail you should upgrade your PHP. MailChimp has 5.6 minimum.


Contact MailChimp directly for support. They are not active on Addons.

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  • 2 months later...

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