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Display Each Product's Attributes in Table, ie: Data Sheet

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I need to display attributes for each product in a separate DIV as a space-separated table.

The attributes are formatted this way:

Attribute1: Spec1 Spec2 Spec3 Spec4
Attribute2: Spec1 Spec2 Spec3 Spec4
Attribute3: Spec1 Spec2 Spec3 Spec4

Each Spec is separated by a space.

How do I export this from the usual dropdown display to a table format?

>> Can I use Javascript's split function to first separate the data into an array, using spaces as the delimiter?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help

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I need to display the attribute details for each product as a table.

The attributes are formatted this way:
Attribute1: Detail1 Detail2 Detail3 Detail4

The Details (ie: strings, words) within each Attribute are all separated by spaces.

>> Can I use Javascript’s split function to first separate the data into an array, using spaces as the delimiter?

And then, how do I display this in a table format?

See example below. There are 5 Attributes for this product, and each of its Attributes has 4 Details (words):

PRODUCT NAME - Attribute Table:

Detail1 | Detail2 | Detail3 | Detail4

Detail1 | Detail2 | Detail3 | Detail4

Detail1 | Detail2 | Detail3 | Detail4

Detail1 | Detail2 | Detail3 | Detail4

Detail1 | Detail2 | Detail3 | Detail4


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