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How to edit background for jquery corner atribute

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Hello, i've got some problem on my presta shop page. Due to fact that I used for the section div#page repeated vertically background image(1000px width, and 4px height to gain a gradient look), all the corners that are rounded by the jquery, got this awful looking white squares that fills space. I attached screens for better understanding of my description :). In the meantime i found solution what atribute should be edited in jquery to mask that white spaces. $("myDiv").corner("cc:#fff round 20px"); where #fff is color that jquery fills rounded corners, but i can't find a place in prestashop files where i could edit that value. Anybody could help?

P.S Sorry for my english, but it's not my native language


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Simple solution can be Photoshop. Make corner color same as your background color. There is not any #fff code, these header are in gif format and they are automatically filled with white color. Therefore I advice you to edit image in Photoshop.

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