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Subcategory & Featured Products

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Hi there...

I need help with 2 things:

1. I don’t want the products shown on FEATURED PRODUCTS to be shown on their Categories…i.e when i click on SHIRTS, it should go to SHIRTS CATEGORY & Show all the other products but not the one that is listed on FEATURED PRODUCTS…

2. I have created Different Categories for different products, and now i am in need of a Subcategory and i know how to add it, i.e CLOTHES | Shirts, Pants etc are it's subcategory, but i want to change the behavior & look remove a tiny [+] Sign showing beside it.

I want to remove the [+] sign from left side of it, and i want that when someone moves cursor over it, it showed automatically show the subcategories...

To fully understand what i mean is to look at this:

1. www.swallowinternational.com/shop --> I have added subcategory only to ACCESSORIES CATEGORY. I want to change this to the look of the website given below.

2. http://www.yogaforgolf.co.uk/shop/category.php?id_category=48 ---> i want to change mine to this look of subcategory.

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I found out how to add the ONMOUSEOVER Behavior.

Anyways, i want to know:

1. How to remove the [+] sign ?

2. How to change the link of a CATEGORY ? i want to change it to # so it won't open anything, i want that when someone rolls over on any category, he should be able to click on SUBCATEGORIES & open it but clicking on the CATEGORY himself should open nothing. like he never clicked.

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Yes, the non-AJAX version of my module is free. Download it from the "Download" tab on my website.

Unfortunately, my module doesn't have the option to make category expand-on-hover and not be clickable at the same time. It could be modified to do that though by changing line 2 of modules/blockcategoriesaccordion/category-tree-branch.tpl from:

 0} class="acc{$i}"{/if}


 0}#{else}{$node.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{/if}"{if $node.children|@count > 0} class="acc{$i}"{/if}

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Thanks alot it helped...

Now these are the only things to make my website RUN TO GO :-D:

1. I have changed the code as you posted above. still when i click on a CATEGORY Button, it opens the category while it shoudn't.
Check at: www.swallowinternational.com/shop

2. Is there anyway that the product showed on FEATURED PRODUCT (on which someone click to go to its category) Should not be visible in the CATEGORY.
In short, the product on the display of FEATURED PRODUCT Should not be visible on its CATEGORY.

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