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Nothing shows in order confirmation screen after payment

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When the customer places an order using Paypal:

After completing the order at Paypal, they click "Return to Shop." They are then returned to the "Order Confirmation" page of my store, but the page is empty -- no links, no order summary, nothing. I sell digital products, and there should be links here to the products they purchased, or at least some text telling them where to click to get those links. How do I fix this?

Thanks in advance!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Got the same problem. The only solution I found here in the forum was to reinstall the PayPal module - but this was an answer from 2009 and I just don't want to believe that in version it's still the same problem.


Anybody found a solution to this??? I've been searching for hours now ....




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I started a thread earlier, just consolidating :)


paypal sandbox:

Prestashop :1.4.3

paypal 2.4

PS is running on 64bit win 7 home

using WampServer2.1d-x64.




Hi, great job on prestashop. It was easy enough to get everything set up but i ran into this issue when after a user click on pay now in paypal, the transaction is successful in paypal (payments going through), the order is created correctly in PS but all i get is a blank page when paypal returns to PS


http ://myserver.com.au:8081/prestashop/modules/paypal/payment/submit.php?fromPayPal=1&token=EC-8KH67793VN641763P&PayerID=PXJYV592QGS9U


I have display_error switched on but none were displayed. If i click refresh(F5) i get the following error


METHOD=DoExpressCheckoutPayment&VERSION=60.0&PWD=1311256989&USER=seller_1311256952_biz_api1.gmail.com&SIGNATURE=Al2b6qlVlPKAUDKx02DTWRa9NPPmAl4IxBS2YBJd1wzgzNMgibSVVu5Z&TOKEN=EC-1WK605244R129430T&PAYERID=PXJYV592QGS9U&PAYMENTACTION=Sale&AMT=74.66&CURRENCYCODE=AUD&IPADDRESS=linvicch.dyndns.org&NOTIFYURL=http%3A%2F%2Flinvicch.dyndns.org%3A8081%2Fprestashop%2Fmodules%2Fpaypal%2Fipn.php&BUTTONSOURCE=PRESTASHOP_ECM&SHIPTONAME=+v+t&SHIPTOSTREET=3A+Stiletto+way+&SHIPTOCITY=canning+vale&SHIPTOSTATE=WA&SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE=AU&SHIPTOZIP=6155&L_NAME0=iPod+shuffle+-+Color+%3A+Green&L_AMT0=66.05&L_QTY0=1&ITEMAMT=66.05&SHIPPINGAMT=2&TAXAMT=6.61<br />Send with fsockopen method successful<br /><b>PayPal response:</b><br />TIMESTAMP -> 2011-07-25T15:23:38Z<br />CORRELATIONID -> ff66a1cb519e6<br />ACK -> Failure<br />VERSION -> 60.0<br />BUILD -> 1968762<br />L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10415<br />L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.<br

- Hide quoted text -

/>L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> A successful transaction has already been completed for this token.<br />L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started a thread earlier, just consolidating :)


paypal sandbox:

Prestashop :1.4.3

paypal 2.4

PS is running on 64bit win 7 home

using WampServer2.1d-x64.




Hi, great job on prestashop. It was easy enough to get everything set up but i ran into this issue when after a user click on pay now in paypal, the transaction is successful in paypal (payments going through), the order is created correctly in PS but all i get is a blank page when paypal returns to PS


http ://myserver.com.au:8081/prestashop/modules/paypal/payment/submit.php?fromPayPal=1&token=EC-8KH67793VN641763P&PayerID=PXJYV592QGS9U


I have display_error switched on but none were displayed. If i click refresh(F5) i get the following error


METHOD=DoExpressCheckoutPayment&VERSION=60.0&PWD=1311256989&USER=seller_1311256952_biz_api1.gmail.com&SIGNATURE=Al2b6qlVlPKAUDKx02DTWRa9NPPmAl4IxBS2YBJd1wzgzNMgibSVVu5Z&TOKEN=EC-1WK605244R129430T&PAYERID=PXJYV592QGS9U&PAYMENTACTION=Sale&AMT=74.66&CURRENCYCODE=AUD&IPADDRESS=linvicch.dyndns.org&NOTIFYURL=http%3A%2F%2Flinvicch.dyndns.org%3A8081%2Fprestashop%2Fmodules%2Fpaypal%2Fipn.php&BUTTONSOURCE=PRESTASHOP_ECM&SHIPTONAME=+v+t&SHIPTOSTREET=3A+Stiletto+way+&SHIPTOCITY=canning+vale&SHIPTOSTATE=WA&SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE=AU&SHIPTOZIP=6155&L_NAME0=iPod+shuffle+-+Color+%3A+Green&L_AMT0=66.05&L_QTY0=1&ITEMAMT=66.05&SHIPPINGAMT=2&TAXAMT=6.61<br />Send with fsockopen method successful<br /><b>PayPal response:</b><br />TIMESTAMP -> 2011-07-25T15:23:38Z<br />CORRELATIONID -> ff66a1cb519e6<br />ACK -> Failure<br />VERSION -> 60.0<br />BUILD -> 1968762<br />L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10415<br />L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.<br

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/>L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> A successful transaction has already been completed for this token.<br />L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error


I am having a similar problem, none of my payment modules work (all return blank page for confirmation). I was just wondering how did you display the error? Was it through your browser, or PrestaShop?



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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

Help I am a novice at this but my problem is similar after a customer places an order and pays by paypal the screen goes blank it was working a few days ago but not anymore and I cannot figure out what I have done to make this happen - pressing F5 then comes up with an error but that is generated by paypal and that is an error they do when the same payment is put through so they reckon the error isn't with them - the only help they could give me is that the auto return feature mustnt be working - where it auto returns to the website after the payment is processed - Any help much appreciated.




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