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Navigation pipe

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  • 2 years later...

I would like to change the navigation pipe to match my theme.


Is it possible to add an image, and if so how? or if I cannot add an image can I make the default ">" bold and in another color?


Thanks for any help!




I managed to change the boldness,color, and text size.


...../"your theme"/css/global.css




.breadcrumb .navigation-pipe {margin:0 3px 0 5px}




.breadcrumb .navigation-pipe {padding:0 5px;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;color:#4574e8;}


Worked for me!


But I would still prefer an image if anyone knows how?


2nd Update:


Found out you can use text symbols, and they work.... just copy the text symbol (I google searched "Text Symbols" there were 1,000's to choose from) and paste it into the PS/Back Office/Preferences/Themes/Navigation Pipe box. The text symbol kept the color but I had to resize the symbol again in "your theme/css/global.css" from font-size:14px; to font-size:24px;



Edited by mlatchu (see edit history)
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I only wanted to add that if you want to add something special, like an image, or something more complex, you need to whether use javascript or edit the Tools class as part of the pipe is embedded there ;)

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