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[1.7] PHP - change customer's gender on click


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the question might seem quite weird but I use customer's gender for personalizing the layout of the store. I want the user to be able to change gender by clicking a button which is located in the header of the site. Here is how it looks in tpl

<span class="version-change version-{if $customer.gender.id < 2}full{else}lite{/if}" onclick="changeMode({$customer.id})">blah</span>

Quite easy I guess.

Here's the js code:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	function changeMode(customer_id)
			data: customer_id,
			type: "post",
			url: "changeGender.php",
			success: function(data){
				alert("data sent" + data);

I don't know if it is okay as I don't know js much, not to mention the way this ajax part should be created.

But the biggest problem is that changeGender.php which I need to create.

I have no idea how it should be written.

Can anybody give me a hand with that?

It should work that way: if the id_gender is 1 or 0 then it should be set to 2. If it's 2 then it should be set to 1.

I'll appreciate any help.


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