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(Solved) Carrier not showing


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I have searched through and found a few old posts on this but no resolve. I am using 1.3.4 and have set up shippingfor USPS; however, the only shipping option that is showing when I am testing for customers trying to check out is USPS - the one I just finished setting up. None of the other carrier options including in store pickup are showing up as an option for local areas. All zones, etc are reviewed and correct. I would think that the status option under carriers to include in front page would make this show but it doesn't seem to do anything. Anyone got any ideas?

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[solved] - I've been working on this for 4 hours and while waiting for a post on this stumbled across a tinker that made the carriers show up. What I did -> I added a weight range option for my store pick up carrier with a range 0 to 300 (you can put whatever you want here) and saved it. This made it show up. Be sure to make your high end of the weight range pretty high if necessary because if the customer orders a bunch of stuff and the total weight exceeds whatever you have as the high end - the in store pick up option will disappear.

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