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Importing a CSV into Prestashop

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Im sure this has been asked 100 times before, and im very sorry but i cant seem to make any of the others posts apply to my price list.

I am selling car mats, and i have the following categories in my spreadsheet:

Manufacturer, Year of car, Part Number, Type 1 Mat Price, Type 2 Mat Price, Type 3 Mat Price, Type 4 Mat Price.

The spreadsheet im working from has over 800 vehicles on it and i dont really want to enter each one manually. Ive had some success with the import tool, but it just seems to dump all the products in the home category. Also, because i have 4 different prices for each type of mat i want to select Wholesale price on the 4 mat types but i can only use it once per import. Is there a work around for this.

In my CSV File, i have:

ID, Manufacturer, Model, Years, Part Number, Type 1 Mat Price, Type 2 Mat Price, Type 3 Mat Price, Type 4 Mat Price

Im just working on one manufacturer at the minute, Alfa Romeo. The category has an ID of 5 in the back office.

Please find attached a image of my unsaved CSV File.


Can someone please tell me where im going wrong.
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Im sure this has been asked 100 times before, and im very sorry but i cant seem to make any of the others posts apply to my price list.

I am selling car mats, and i have the following categories in my spreadsheet:

Manufacturer, Year of car, Part Number, Type 1 Mat Price, Type 2 Mat Price, Type 3 Mat Price, Type 4 Mat Price.

The spreadsheet im working from has over 800 vehicles on it and i dont really want to enter each one manually. Ive had some success with the import tool, but it just seems to dump all the products in the home category. Also, because i have 4 different prices for each type of mat i want to select Wholesale price on the 4 mat types but i can only use it once per import. Is there a work around for this.

In my CSV File, i have:

ID, Manufacturer, Model, Years, Part Number, Type 1 Mat Price, Type 2 Mat Price, Type 3 Mat Price, Type 4 Mat Price

Im just working on one manufacturer at the minute, Alfa Romeo. The category has an ID of 5 in the back office.

Please find attached a image of my unsaved CSV File.


Can someone please tell me where im going wrong.

Hi Qualitycarmats, I'm currently working on something similar too, but it's on perfumes. Here's what I can suggest from my experience.

What I would suggest is to structure your categories & products tree first, then work out the combinations. You need to have 2 to 3 types of csv files - 1 for categories, 1 for products & price list and 1 for attributes combinations.

Your categories & products structure tree could look like this:

- Manufacturer 1 [1st level sub-category]
    - Model 1 (Years xx - yy) [2nd level sub-category]
        - Mat A [Product]
           - Atttribute / Combination 1
           - Atttribute / Combination 2
        - Mat B [Product]
    - Model 2 (Years xx - yy)

- Manufacturer 2
    - Model 3 (Years xx - yy)

Sub-categories (vehicles) - Import using Categories entity
If the number of manufacturers is small enough, then create them manually in the BO. Since the number of vehicles is large @ 800, use csv to import. See example below:

ID of veh model;ID of Parent Category (Manufacturer in this case);Name (Model of veh)

Products - Your Mats
Now you can work on your mats. Create a csv from your spreadsheet. Assign IDs and subcategories (vehicles) to your mats, their part #, supplier, wholesale price, base retail price, discounts etc. Keep your types of mats as a product by itself and set different retail prices (if the mats have a few prices themselves) either by using attributes combination (via impact on prices feature) or manage the prices visitors see using customer groups.

ID of Mat;Name of Mat;Categories Mat belong to;Base Retail Price;Quantity;Feature;Description;Image_url

Attributes and combinations
Next create Attributes and/or Attribute Groups in the BO.
Using Colors and Dimensions as an example:

Attribute Group 1 = Color
Attributes = Black, Blue, Red

Attribute Group 2 = Dimensions
Dimensions = 8 inch x 5 inch, 9 inch x 4 inch

Then create a csv file that link the mat attributes to their corresponding Mat (product), their prices and quantity in stock. Here, you can add in their part #, supplier, wholesale price, retail price too.

ID of Mat;Color:Color X,Dimension:LxW;Impact on Base Retail Price;Quantity
315;Color:Black,Dimensions:8 inch x 5 inch;50;100
315;Color:Red,Dimensions:9 inch x 4 inch;60;100

Then upload the combinations CSV file in batches so that you can reduce importing errors, manage, identify and correct any errors easier.

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