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Creating a hook on product page.

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I have installed Tomer's UPS module, and one of the options is to have "Shipping Rates Display on Products" so visitors can check the shipping cost by entering in the Zip code and not having to login.

As you can see here

I turned that on for a store, but it does not show. Tomer said I need to do the following

You will need to add it in /themes/xxx/prodcut.tpl ,
The hook name is "productActions" {$HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS}

Can anyone give me a step by step guide in doing this - I am not hot on this type of stuff.

The theme is a custom theme and the author did a lot of hard coding - annoying as hell. Using version

PS - I can not recommended enough using Tomer's modules - support has been fantastic.
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My understanding is this:

1. Naviagte your FTP program to the location "/themes/xxx/prodcut.tpl"

The "xxx" section of the path is whatever your theme is called.

2. Open the file "product.tpl" and insert the hook "{$HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS}" in the place that you want it to appear.

This may take a bit of trial and error, insert it save and view the frontend to see if in the right position.

As I say, this is only my understanding and may be wrong.

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Its odd - the very best I can get is the box duplicated - as screen-shot shows (attached) - what am I doing wrong. I would like under the add to cart button - driving me nuts.

All I am entering {if $HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS} {$HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS} {/if} - which is copied from the default template file where this works.


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