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[ SOLVED ] Adding new block - Advise needed please

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Hi all,

I am new to Prestashop, and am no programmer apart from some html, so I need some advice.

I have installed PhPOnline - Live chat support for my website and it is working just fine.
What I would like to do now is to add a new block to the right column, above the cart column and add the image of the PhP online, which then in turn links to the client side of the application.

I have looked around the forum here, but I can not seem to find how this is being done.
Could anybody explain in "not too technical" English please?

Thanks in advance, and best regards


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Hi, and thanks for the reply

I will read this, but like I said in the OP, I am not a programmer.
Would it be possible to position and display the phpOnline image above the cart block without having to make a new block?

Thanks in advance


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You can use existing block advertising module that already in your PrestaShop. what you need to do is install it and change the image and link at your back office.

log in to your back office
select "modules" tab
look for "Block advertising" and install it if it is not installed yet
then click "configure" and upload your new image and input your URL

then click "positions" sub-tab under "Module" change column and position

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and thanks for the reply.

I have got it working now and have the image where I want it.

The only thing now is that the live support does not load in to the framework, like all other pages, products etc. but it loads as a normal page, without my site navigation (you can try it on my site, it is live)

Can anyone advise me on how to get this to load in to the site please

Thanks in advance and best regards


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You need to following the structure of the main pages and include headers/footers/3 columns.

1. create a new file client.tpl under /themes/yourtheme/ and put your HTML inside to this file

2. Chage your client.php as following.


/* SSL Management */
$useSSL = true;


$errors = array();

////Your page code here---



$smarty->assign('errors', $errors);




If you don't know what I mean, send me your client.php to me, I can make it for you.

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I got your PM message and I checked you site again.
The client.php is under folder livesupport, so I guess it is not a part (page) of your PrestaShop application.

I suggest to show "live support" in a pop up window, not in the application main windows.
Because when customer needs help, he maybe need remain the current page at your store.
To do this, please make changes in /modules/blockadvertising/blockadvertising.tpl file.

Add following attributes to the hyper link tag before title.


Before change

   <a href="{$adv_link}" title="{l s='Advertising' mod='blockadvertising'}"><img src="{$image}" alt="{l s='Advertising' mod='blockadvertising'}" width="155"  height="163" /></a>

After change

   <a href="{$adv_link}" target="_blank" title="{l s='Advertising' mod='blockadvertising'}"><img src="{$image}" alt="{l s='Advertising' mod='blockadvertising'}" width="155"  height="163" /></a>

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You can use existing block advertising module that already in your PrestaShop. what you need to do is install it and change the image and link at your back office.

log in to your back office
select "modules" tab
look for "Block advertising" and install it if it is not installed yet
then click "configure" and upload your new image and input your URL

then click "positions" sub-tab under "Module" change column and position

I have a similiar problem: i want to add a block to the right containing just an image/logo. My favourite solution would be a module that allows me to add some HTML-Source. I haven't found such one.

I've tried the workaround described above too: In the module-tab I installed "Block Werbung v0.1" (internal name as found in the source: "modules/blockadvertising/") but this does not offer me an "configure"-Link. I see a green check mark and a button to uninstall the module, but no link? Why not?
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The module name is "Block advertising", you should be able to find it the module list from Modules tab.
And once you install it, you should see the Configure link.

Yes, as Peter_UK pointed, you can add your HTML code to file /modules/blockadvertising/blockadvertising.tpl

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