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Featured products front page

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Hello all

Hope someone can please help as im starting to go crazy trying to figure this out and i'm sure the solution is very simple but i'm just stuck now.

I followed another post on here to change the featured products on the front page to actually display "price lowered", "sale" etc. Basically just like the product.tpl page does. Anyhow the solution didn't quite work properley so did some ammendments to fit 4 products across but now I can't get the right block (price button, more info etc) to sit at the bottom inline with each other and I can't figure out what to do.

My home page is http://www.tackleshop.carp-on.com

and I would like it to display the same as http://tackleshop.carp-on.com/6-bait-boats

Not sure if my div tags are wrong on homefeatured.tpl or something like that.

Anyhow I have attached my css and tpl file and really hope someone can help me out please. :)


Robert (newbie)

both pages.zip

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