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Deleted page with same url as category. Category can't use that url anymore


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So I stumbled on to a project where they had messed around too much, and had created a category with the name "TINTOS" so the url was "tintos", but they also created a CMS Page with the same name and url.

They didn't know why /tintos didn't show products, and other categories did. So well, my course of action, was to remove the cms page "TINTOS", which wasn't getting any use anyway. What I expected was that Prestashop was prioritizing the CMS page, over the Category, and it would resolve itself. But what do I find? Whenever I try to access /tintos, I get a message of Page doesn't exists. Deleted caches, regenerated .htacccess and no luck. When I change the category name to something different from "TINTOS", then it works (like "TINTO" => /tinto).

Also the Friendly URL I don't think it's working, because the category url comes from the name of it, not the friendly url field, and when I go to Preferences -> SEO & URLs, there is no toggle button for Friendly URLs.

Is there any special way to remove the cache that I could be missing? I'm fairly new to Prestashop.

Any ASAP help is appreciated.


Edit: More news on this topic. This time they had a CMS Page Category with he same url as a Page. But they had no content on that Category. And again I wished that deactivating that Category would make the page show up, but no, it displays the error "this page doesn't exists". Any ideas?

Edited by gpisw (see edit history)
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