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Total doesn't consider voucher


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I try to keep prestashop up to date as much as I can. But one of the previous updates seems to have a nasty side effect. When applying a discount voucher to a shopping cart, the displayed total doesn't include the discount. Have a look:


(for some reason the image doesn't get embedded...)

The cart-summary-totals.tpl of my theme looks like this:

{block name='cart_summary_totals'}
  <div class="cart-summary-totals">
    <span class="label"><strong>{$cart.totals.total.label} {$cart.labels.tax_short}</strong></span>
    <span class="value"><strong>{$cart.totals.total.value}</strong></span>
{block name='cart_summary_tax'}
  <div class="cart-summary-line">
    <span class="label sub"><small>{$cart.subtotals.tax.label}</small></span>
    <span class="value sub"><small>{$cart.subtotals.tax.value}</small></span>
<div class="divider-10"></div>

I'm running with a customized theme.

Any idea what this might be and how to resolve it?


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Good morning,
Anyone got an idea where to look for the problem?

Btw. this seems to affect the payment procedure as well. I get "Payment errors" when checking out through paypal, which I guess makes sense since the (correct) amount calculated by Paypal is not equal to the (incorrect) prestashop amount.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have checked in our theme, and in the default theme, and can't replicate the issue.
Tried with a cart rule to apply with and without a code. Also, to apply to all products and only selected products (not sure how you created your cart rule). All combinations worked.
Have you tried replicating in a fresh install with the default theme?

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I am a step further and found the culprit. The problem only comes up when using Virtual Products, Standard products or Combinations are unaffected. Upon this discovery I created a ticket on Github and it is since in process:



It would be good to have a quick fix for this until Prestashop fixes this bug though...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just realised I have this same issue with my shop.

I was doing some testing and realised that the discount does not get applied to the total price in the cart and checkout process.

I confirm it is an issue related to virtual products only as with standard products works just fine.

I was running Prestashop when I discovered it, reverting to did not solve the issue.

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  • 2 months later...

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