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Https issue not a unsecured content issue

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I have posted this in security and haven't received any reply, as the topic has only been open for 24 hours usually I would wait at least 48 hours, but I have trawled through all 13 pages of the security forum and found a topic with the exact same problem but no solution from may 2010, so I have decided to try my luck in this forum in the hope some one may have a fix.

Here's my issue

I am using prestashop for a website shop http://www.thelaptophut.com/shop/

I have an SSL (not purchased by me or installed by me) when I click on cart account or anything that’s related to buying the shop breaks, I have worked out this is because of the SSL redirecting to an HTTPS link, the page will work if I remove the SSL from the back end or if I just change the URL to HTTP, but I don’t understand why this is happening or how I can fix it?

If anyone has a solution I would be incredibly grateful :)

hoping to hear from you soon

- Drew

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Hi Drew,

I encountered the same issue when configuring my payment modules (Bankwire and Paypal) to work, only difference is I don't have SSL.

I trawled the Security section as well and came across this article on fixing paypal problems.

What worked for me was to check my modules directory's permission settings. I had the whole directory set to CHMOD777 (writing permission all enabled) initially when I installed PS. With this CHMOD setting, I can click and see my cart but have errors (error 500) when I try to use Bankwire and Paypal for payment.

After changing the modules directory to CHMOD 755 (disable writing permissions to folder and files) and recursively to all subfolders, I can now use Bankwire and Paypal as payment during checkout without problem.

I suggest changing the cart and payment modules' CHMODs to 755 and see how it goes. I still very new to Prestashop so I'm not sure if this will solve your problem, but I feel there's no harm trying.

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I had a problem with images not showing in Feature Products. I resolved it generating the .htaccess but when I click on a product and want to buy, I get an 404 error because the link begins with https https://bollicinestore.com/order.php?step=1.
I don't have https so why does Prestashop gives me this link? If I remove the s so the link begins with http://bollicinestore.com/order.php?step=1 I can continue but also the next page is https when Prestashop says to register or login.

Category and products page are all http, only when I have to buy it gives me https.

Can anyone help?


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