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Multistore product import 500 error


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Trying to import lots of products into my new store. v1.7.3


File validates correctly but when it starts to try and import I get the following:

7/16/2018 2:00:35 PM[Mon Jul 16 13:00:35.671221 2018] [php7:error] [pid 31] [client]
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught PrestaShopBundle\\Exception\NotImplementedException:
Shop context types other than "single shop" are not supported in /var/www/html/src/PrestaShopBundle/Entity/Repository/StockManagementRepository.php:133
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/src/PrestaShopBundle/Entity/Repository/StockMovementRepository.php(63): PrestaShopBundle\\Entity\\Repository\\StockManagementRepository->__construct(Object(appProdProjectContainer), Object(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Connection), Object(Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager), Object(PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\LegacyContext), Object(PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\ImageManager), 'ps_')
#1 /var/www/html/app/cache/prod/appProdProjectContainer.php(2912): PrestaShopBundle\\Entity\\Repository\\StockMovementRepository->__construct(Object(appProdProjectContainer), Object(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Connection), Object(Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager), Object(PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\LegacyContext), Object(PrestaShop\\PrestaShop\\Adapter\\ImageManager), 'ps_')
#2 /var/www/html/app/bootstrap.php.cache(2252): appProdProjectCont in /var/www/html/app/bootstrap.php.cache on line 3231, referer: http://myshop.biz/admin845erg6nd/index.php?controller=AdminImport&token=BLAH


  • I've tried setting "ID Name of Shop" to both 0 and 1 (Shop IDs are 1 and 2) without luck in the import file.
  • I've also tried to manually patch with the fix from: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-3495 as this error mentions the same file and line number without success.


Stock shearing is turned on, all products should be available on both stores after importing.


What have I done wrong with the import?


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The error is related to not selecting a specific store in the top right. However this means the import dosn't work for multi-store, you must import for one store and then bulk edit the products to all stores?

Unsure, just importing now (taking a while for 30,000+ products). Will update when its finished tomorrow.

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